While the DSM-IV continued to describe both PTSD and Acute Stress Reaction diagnoses as Anxiety Disorders (as did the DSM-III and III-R), the ICD-10 placed these diagnoses in the “Reactions to Severe Stress and Adjustment Disorders” category. In addition, while the Acute Stress Reaction ...
The present study aimed to separately investigate the influence of maternal and paternal parenting stress on children’s behavioral functioning. Maternal and paternal parenting stress Deater-Deckard (1998) defined parenting stress as “the stress reaction to the demands of being a parent” (p. 314)...
Early post-traumatic stress disorder in relation to acute stress reaction: an ICD-10 study among help seekers following an earthquake. Psychiatry Res 2006;143:245-253.Constantin R,Thomas J,Dimitra A,et al.Early post-traumatic stress disorder in relation to acute stress reaction:An ICD-10study ...
In the definition of stress-related disorders, we included acute stress reaction, posttraumatic stress disorder, adjustment disorders, other reactions to severe stress, and unspecified reaction to severe stress. We considered both primary and secondary diagnoses as recorded in the Swedish Patient Register...
IVIS radiant efficiency were analyzed using unpaired two-tailed Student’st-tests. When appropriate, Bonferroni’s post hoc test was used to explore main effects followed by multiple comparisons adjustment (denoted adjustedp). Significance was set atp < 0.05. ...
Semen quality and fertility has declined over the last 50 years, corresponding to ever-increasing environmental stressors. However, the cellular mechanisms involved and their impact on sperm functions remain unknown. In a repeated sampling human cohort s
For instance, the diminished potential of enzymes to scavenge H2O2 and O2•– within plant cells increases the level of •OH via the Heber-Weiss reaction [61]. Further deprivation of elements such as Mg which is a major constituent of chlorophyll impairs the photosynthetic acti...
(10.4%) reported an increase in depressive symptoms, and nearly two per 10 (18.4%) an increase in PTSD symptoms and additionally showed a clinically relevant symptom strain during lockdown. Interestingly, mainly non-specific PTSD symptoms associated with a general stress reaction were experienced to...
Subjects completed a structured telephone interview focused on within-disaster experiences and emotional reaction, disaster-related losses, lifetime exposure to violent or traumatic events, recent stressful experiences, and psychiatric symptomatology. Approximately 3% of males (95% confidence interval 0.4 to...
Through clinical interview or administration of self-or hetero-applied caregiver/parent questionnaires, common to PeriSTRESS and PremTEA (Holmes and Rahe social readjustment scale, maternal and paternal psychopathology, parental stress, among others, available upon request). At the time of recruitment,...