Both cerebrospinal and blood cultures grewStreptococcuspneumoniae; vancomycin was discontinued. The child completed a 2-week course of ceftriaxone and was discharged home.#A high index of suspicion is necessary in children with nephrotic syndrome treated with corticosteroids, as symptoms may be masked, ...
摘要: A case of primary pneumococcal lung abscess in a five-year-old child is described. Secondary anaerobic infection as a cause of cavitation was excluded by bronchoscopic culture of the cavity. Streptococcus pneumoniae is a rare but recognized cause of lung abscess in healthy children....
Streptococcus pneumoniae:‘pneumococcal’ colonization of the nasopharynx is common in both children and adults and causes a huge burden of disease. Mortality for invasive disease remains at 10%.4 The most important clinical manifestations of S. pneumoniae infections are pneumonia and meningitis. Classic...
After the treatment of patients with acute leukemia, there is a decrease in vaccine-specific antibody and an increased susceptibility to certain vaccine-preventable diseases. A simple revaccination schedule is warranted. Fifty-nine children (age, 1-18 years) who had completed standard chemotherapy in...
Children are usually afebrile and otherwise well, although resolution of pyoderma may take many days and result in scarring. Erysipelas, which typically affects the face or an extremity, is a painful infection of the dermis resulting in a clearly demarcated red and raised area of inflammation ...
In recent years, because of the widespread use of antibiotics, the mode of onset, symptoms and X ray changes are not typical. [pathogeny and pathogenesis] Streptococcus pneumoniae is gram positive cocci, which are arranged in pairs or short chains. The size of the capsule is related to the ...
Sixteen (64%) of the 25 children with symptoms caused by DRSP were 1 year old or younger, whereas eight (61%) of the 13 children who were carriers of DRSP were 3-4 years old. In conclusion, when a child attending a day-care centre is discovered to have respiratory disease caused by...
[58,59]. Interestingly, a sequential order of mutations has been observed in several streptococcal species. InS. pneumoniae, mutations withinpbp2xand/orpbp2b,depending on the specific antibiotic used,are the first event to occur [60], and they are followed by mutations inpbp1a. It has been ...
These workers have previously reported the occurrence of sporadic sore throat in adults due to Streptococcus epidemicus CDavis), all previous cases of this infection having occurred in milk-borne epidemics. They have now investigated 102 cases of sore throat in children and have recovered Streptococcu...
Streptococcus pneumoniae is an important agent of community-acquired pneumonia infections in humans and can often be accompanied by bacteremia. Oropharyngeal carriage of pneumococci is fairly common in the human population, which serves as a potential reservoir for infection of nonhuman primates...