Dynabeads streptavidin magnetic beads utilize this strong interaction to isolate cell populations, isolate target proteins, capture nucleic acids, synthesize mRNA, and prepare samples for next-generation sequencing (NGS) workflows. Learn more about the applications of using Dynabeads streptavidin beads. ...
• Capture single-stranded biotinylated DNA oligos• Isolate biotinylated PCR productsThese streptavidin magnetic beads are validated and optimized for use with high-throughput magnetic platforms, such as the Thermo Scientific KingFisher 96 and KingFisher Flex Instruments, but the beads also enable ...
Capture-SELEXMagnetic beadsRNARiboswitchSELEX has enabled the selection of aptamers, nucleic acids that can bind a defined ligand, in some cases with exceptionally high affinity and specificity. The SELEX protocol has been adapted many times to fit a variety of needs. This protocol describes such ...
The streptavidin magnetic beads are uniform size, narrow size distribution with large surface area and unique surface coating, it is easy to capture the biotinylated proteins or other molecules, and the bounded protein have no activity lost, can help us get the best performance and highly reproduci...
Wash Dynabeads ™ magnetic beads Calculate the amount of beads required based on their binding capacity (see Table 2), and transfer the beads to a new tube.1. Resuspend the beads in the vial (i.e. vortex for >30 sec, or tilt and rotate for 5 min).2. Transfer the desired volume ...
英文名称:CD31 Exo-Flow capture kit (Magnetic streptavidin beads, CD31-biotin capture antibody, Wash and Elution Buffers, Exo-FITC stain)CD31 Exo-Flow capture kit (Magnetic streptavidin beads, CD31-biotin captu,中文名称:CD31外流捕获试剂盒(磁性链霉亲和素
Description:StreptavidinMagneticBeadsare1µm superparamagneticbeadscovalentlycoupledtoahighlypure formofstreptavidin.Capturedsubstratescanbeusefulas ligandsinsubsequentexperimentsincludingmRNAisolation andthecaptureofprimaryorsecondaryantibodies. StorageConditions:Particlesaresuppliedasa4mg/ml ...
1) Streptavidin-coated magnetic beads adsorption 链亲和素磁珠吸附 1. According to streptavidin-coated magnetic beads adsorption,affinity capture of microsatellites enzyme digested repeats from genomic DNA of Mussaenda pubescens using biotinylated oligoprobe(AC)15 attached to the streptavidin-coated magnetic ...
GE Healthcare has launched Streptavidin Mag Sepharose magnetic beads, which have a high binding capacity for efficient purification of biotinylated biomolecules and enrichment of target proteins. The magnetic beads provide simplified handling, as rapid capture is facilitated by magnetic devices whilst...
Add Dynabeads to a sample containing biotinylated molecules such as peptides, oligonucleotides etc. During a short incubation, the biotinylated molecule will bind to the beads. Separate the molecule-bead complex with a Dynal magnet. Capture, washing and detection...