英文名称:Agarose beads, Streptavidin Labeled 分子式:1 纯度:1 % 产地:西安 包装规格:1 品牌:齐岳生物 货号:4455232 别名:Agarose beads, Streptavidin Labeled Agarose beads, Streptavidin Labeled;链霉亲和素包被/修饰琼脂糖珠 齐岳生物提供蛋白包被琼脂糖珠 ...
which can highly specific binding 4 moles of biotin molecules per mole, and its non-specific binding rate is much lower than that of avidin. So, it can be widely used in various signal amplification systems for biochemical and immune detection. Streptavidin-agarose beads is ...
试剂盒Agarose BeadsStreptavidin Agarose 6FF 顶部产品特点产品信息操作说明保存条件注意事项文件下载Streptavidin Agarose 6FF 产品编号 C0128 链霉亲和素-生物素(SA-Biotin)系统因其极高的结合亲和力(K = 10^-15)在生物领域有着广泛的应用。TargetMol 的链霉亲和素琼脂糖 6FF 是一种亲和层析介质,将链霉亲和素与...
Pierce Streptavidin Agarose consists of purified recombinant streptavidin that has been covalently immobilized onto high-quality crosslinked 6% beaded agarose. Streptavidin is a tetrameric biotin-binding protein. The agarose beads have physical and chemical properties that enable them to be used in a vari...
Streptavidin Magarose Beads说明书.pdf 联系电话 4009963188 促销价:¥500 5ml ¥3500 1ml ¥1199 500 μL ¥750 联系邮箱 info@ktsmo.com 产品说明 链霉亲和素-生物素(streptavidin-biotin)系统具有极高的亲和力 (KD=10^-15), 在生物领域应用广泛。康体生命开发的Streptavidin Magarose Beads(以下称beads)能够...
琼脂糖磁性微球(Magarose Beads) 琼脂糖磁性微球系列产品采用独特的工艺技术制备出的粒径分布在 30-100μm 左右的磁性琼脂糖微球,粒径适中,具有超顺磁性、快速磁响应性的特点。微球表面丰富的羟基官能团使得微球亲水性强,非特异性低和便于化学修饰,可以用于蛋白质、抗体、酶等生物分子的分离纯化、免疫检测和化学分析...
and nucleic acid-protein complexes. It is especially useful as an immunoprecipitation reagent for antibodies that do not bind well to protein A. The matrix consists of streptavidin covalently attached to cross-linked 4% agarose beads through a 15-atom spacer arm. Streptavidin Agarose can bind 3 ...
High-Capacity Streptavidin Agarose beads have a dense load of immobilized streptavidin, providing a binding capacity greater than 10 mg of biotinylated BSA per mL of resin. This corresponds to 2 to 3 times higher biotin-binding capacity than products from other suppliers, allowing use of small ...