This condition is an inflammation of the kidneys following a strep infection. Children below the age of seven years have the highest risk of getting this infection. Symptoms include fatigue, elevated blood pressure, reduced urine output, and frequency, dark reddish-brown coloration of urine, and ...
About 25 percent of moms-to-be carry the GBS bacteria. In pregnant women, GBS can cause urinary tract infections, or an infection of the placenta, womb, and amniotic fluid. Moms-to-be are routinely tested for GBS during pregnancy, because in some cases GBS can cause an infection that can...
Early diagnosis and treatment of Group A Streptococcal pharyngitis has been shown to reduce the severity of symptoms and further complications, such as rheumatic fever and glomerulonephritis. Conventional methods for detecting Strep A infection are dependent on isolation and subsequent identification o...
Color of urine changes after strep infection Neck is swollen or reddish Throat is bleeding Key Takeaways Strep throatis common for individuals between the ages of 5-years-old and 15-years-old. Strep throat normally entails asore throat. ...
A variable proportion of conjugated polyphenols are excreted in the urine or into the bile where they re-enter the small intestine. Whether polyphenols re-enter the gut lumen through bile or remain in the gut lumen, a considerable proportion of orally consumed polyphenols reach the large intestine...
Sometimes, a sore throat is caused by tonsillitis, aninflammationor infection of the tonsils, which are the tissue masses located at the back of the throat. Tonsillitis can be caused by viruses or bacteria. While the tonsils' job is to help fight infection, the tonsils can also become infe...
Group B Streptococcus is a type of bacterial infection that can be found in a pregnant woman’s vagina or rectum.
The quicker the treatment, the better the outcome. Breastfeeding can't pass GBS infection to your baby and, in fact, is really important to help protect your baby from infections. The MothersBabies Study OurMothersBabies Studyis investigating how the microbiome affects a woman's health before ...
Free attorney consultation if your child was injured or died due to medical malpractice in the prevention or treatment of a Group B Strep infection
This treatment is known as intrapartum prophylaxis. Pregnant women who have a urine culture positive for significant numbers of GBS any time during their pregnancy should receive appropriate intrapartum prophylaxis to prevent disease in their infants. A negative result means that the woman is not ...