is a high-tech enterprise specialized in developing and marketing of Medical Consmuables like Rapid Test Kits, Clinical Laboratory analyzer and reagents, Hematology Analyzer and Reagents, Washing Solutions, Urine Sediment Reagents and DNA/RNA Preservation Kits.Dewei products are widely used in ho...
Dark urine, rash, or chest pain (may occur 3-4 weeks later) How to Prevent a Sore Throat Because colds are the most common cause of a sore throat, the best way to prevent a sore throat is by following measures that reduce your risk of having or spreading colds. ...
Strep Throat Symptoms is a type of a throat infection. In this case you feel have an irritated and infectious throat that needs prompt treatment and care.
If you have group B streptococcus and you give birth vaginally, your newborn may contract it as she moves through the birth canal. There’s a small chance your baby may become critically ill from the bacteria, which is why it’s important to get treatment for GBS (in the form of antibi...
There is difficulty in breathing Color of urine changes after strep infection Neck is swollen or reddish Throat is bleeding Key Takeaways Strep throatis common for individuals between the ages of 5-years-old and 15-years-old. Strep throat normally entails asore throat. ...
A variable proportion of conjugated polyphenols are excreted in the urine or into the bile where they re-enter the small intestine. Whether polyphenols re-enter the gut lumen through bile or remain in the gut lumen, a considerable proportion of orally consumed polyphenols reach the large intestine...
Group B Streptococcus is a type of bacterial infection that can be found in a pregnant woman’s vagina or rectum.
The quicker the treatment, the better the outcome. Breastfeeding can't pass GBS infection to your baby and, in fact, is really important to help protect your baby from infections. The MothersBabies Study OurMothersBabies Studyis investigating how the microbiome affects a woman's health before ...
Streptokinase and urokinase are fibrinolytic enzymes; the former is primarily produced from microbial sources and the latter is isolated from urine, respectively. Streptokinase and urokinase have been in use for a long time to treat cardiovascular diseases. This...
This treatment is known as intrapartum prophylaxis. Pregnant women who have a urine culture positive for significant numbers of GBS any time during their pregnancy should receive appropriate intrapartum prophylaxis to prevent disease in their infants. A negative result means that the woman is not ...