The Strep A Rapid Test (Swab) detects Group A Streptococcus antigens through visual interpretation of color development on the internal strip. Anti-Strep A antibodies are immobilized on the test region of the membrane. During the test, the specimen reacts with polyclonal anti-Strep A antibodies...
The Strep A Rapid Test (Swab) is a rapid visual immunoassay for the qualitative, presumptive detection of Group A Streptococcus antigens in human throat swab specimens. This kit is intended for use as an aid in the diagnosis of Strep A infection. Main Contents Rapid Test+...
Strep A Rapid Test Strep A Rapid Test Accu-Tell®Strep A Rapid Test Cassette (Throat Swab) Accu-Tell®Strep A Rapid Test Cassette (Throat Swab) is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of Strep A antigens from throat swab specimens to aid in the diagnosis of ...
Accurate testing for strep throat is essential due to the high incidence of Group A Streptococcus (GAS) infections, affecting millions annually. Our Strep A Nucleic Acid Test Card offers a quick, accurate, and easy way to detect Strep A from oropharynge
A swab at the end of the dipstick inside the tube receives microbes in a breath exhaled by a patient holding the first end of the tube to the patient's mouth. After being exhaled upon by the patient, the dipstick is removed for testing for the presence of microbes that cause ...
Strep A Rapid Test Strip Throat Swab GCSTR-501a√ Strip 25 Tests/Kit Strep A Rapid Test Strip Throat Swab GCSTR-501Ca√ Strip 25 Tests/Kit Strep A Rapid Test Cassette Throat Swab GCSTR-502a√ Cassette 20 Tests/Kit Strep A Rapid Test Cassette Throat Swab GCSTR-502Ca√ Cassette 20 Tes...
PrincipleChromatographic ImmunoassayFormatDipstick,Cassette SpecimenThroat SwabCertificateCE Reading Time5 minutesPack20T/25T Storage Temperature2-30°CShelf Life2 Years Materials provided PackageContent 1Content 2Content 3 Strep A rapid test cassetteESWT-ISTA-02swab/...
The swab may be used to do a rapid strep test in a doctor’s office or clinic, or it may be sent to a laboratory. A second swab may be collected along with the first one. This extra sample may be used to perform a throat culture as a follow-up test, when necessary. Test ...
Do-IT-Yourself Strep Throat Test. It's easy!Just swab your throat, in front of a mirror. Take your swab to a lab near you. We will show you a map with a lab near you. Get your lab results online in a few days, and then call a doctor with your results. ...
Both types of tests require using a swab to collect mucus from inside the throat for testing. “The culture takes longer but can sometimes catch strep infections missed by the rapid swab test,” Bawer notes. READ: How Do I Find the Best Pediatrician for My Child? How Is Strep Throat ...