Dynamic and static lifting capacity and muscular strength of steelmill workers : Kamon, E., Kiser, D., and Pytel, J.L.American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 1982, 43.11, 853–857; abstr in CIS Abstracts (CIS 83-1476)doi:10.1016/0003-6870(86)90266-8...
Pytel, WPałacWalko, BKGHM Cuprum Spółka z o.o. Centrum Badawczo-RozwojowePYTEL W,PA ACWALKO B.Strength of Weak Floor Strata Beneath Rock Pillars[J].KGHM Cuprum Spó ka zo.o.Centrum Badawczo-Rozwojowe,2011(3):5-14.
Their practical appropriateness in mining practice have been proved using an example of severe seismic event occurred in the Rudna copper mine in 2005.W. PytelB. Palac-WalkoFifth International Symposium-Mineral Resources and Mine Development: 27-28 May 2015, RWTH Aachen University, Institute of ...
This type of basic data is of use to those people who are concerned with musculoskeletal disorders. They will be able to suggest changes in the manner in which a tool is held in order to decrease the susceptibility of an individual to musculoskeletal disorders.Pytel, J. L....
Details on the materials for energy piles are extensively discussed in Sani et al. [31]. A pile can transfer loads both through its base and through the side surface. The distribution of the generated forces over these two pile surfaces depends mainly on its length and diameter, as well as...
(5) It reduces structural health monitoring cost: The self-sensing properties of graphene cement based composites detect damages and cracks in the cementitious materials without any additional equipment [6]. (6) It enhances fire resistance: Due to high thermal conductivity of graphene cement ...