Streets of Rage, Sega's answer to Final Fight, follows the story of three young police officers (Adam Hunter, Axel Stone and Blaze Fielding) in a city controlled by a criminal syndicate led by a "Mr. X" where crime is rampant, which leads the three heroes to make a pact to leave th...
'Streets of Rage'的中文名是“怒之铁拳”,它是一款格斗对战手游,特别是“Streets of Rage 4”(怒之铁拳4)以其新的剧情、深度的战斗系统、风格各异的区域场景以及多人游戏模式而著称。 'Streets of Rage'游戏系列简介 'Streets of Rage'(怒之铁拳)是由日本世嘉(Sega)公司开发并发...
专辑:Street of Rage 1991流派:电子 立即播放 收藏 分享 下载歌曲 作曲:Christopher Pickett 作词:Christopher Pickett 暂无歌词 同歌手歌曲 Miami ViceSynthwave Heroes Ocean DriveSynthwave Heroes MindscapeSynthwave Heroes Welcome Home SummerSynthwave Heroes Crying For Your LoveSynthwave Heroes Am I Dreaming...
Download Streets of Rage (Genesis) (gamerip) (1991) album to your PC for free as MP3. Free Streets of Rage (Genesis) (gamerip) (1991) soundtracks, Streets of Rage (Genesis) (gamerip) (1991) MP3 downloads. Browse our great selection of Streets of Rage (Ge
怒之铁拳 Streets of Rage 世嘉五代 韩版 (1991) …封面载入中…
Streets of Rage (SEGA) “Streets of Rage” is a classic beat ’em up video game that debuted on the Sega Genesis in 1991. It was developed and published by Sega and has become notable for its two-player cooperative gameplay and its electrifying techno soundtrack by Yuzo Koshiro. The game...
怒之铁拳格斗三人组 / ベアナックル 怒りの鉄拳 / Bare Knuckle: Furious Iron Fist / Bare Knuckle: Ikari no Tekken / Bare Knuckle / SoRStreets of Rage Sega Enterprises, Ltd. 1991-08-02 - . -7.6 独立 2想玩0在玩3玩过0已购买1在关注 ...
This is a comments thread for the following album: tevine_musgrove Registered Aug 30, 2021 #2 this is a 1991 sega streets of rage 1 japanese manga anime side-scrolling 2d arcade beat 'em up...
Streets of Rage Remake PC (2003,开始制作) PC (2006,推出下载版) PC (2011-04-21,终止更新) 怒之铁拳 重启版 Streets of Rage Reboot ? (2009,Grin开发版因公司倒闭终止) ? (?,Ruffian Games开发版因未知原因终止) 怒之铁拳 网络版 Streets of Rage Online ...
Streets of Rage 1991 Windows, Linux (+10 more) Action 7.9 Streets of Rage 2 1992 Genesis, Windows (+13 more) Action 8.0 Streets of Rage 3 1994 Genesis, Windows (+4 more) Action 7.8 Streets of Rage 4 2020 Windows, Linux (+10 more) Action 8.5 Streets of Rage 4: Mr. X Night...