Last year, Los Angeles rescinded a ban on street vendors outside of popular tourist spots in the city. LA city council also voted in 2024 to drastically reduce the annual street vending permit fees. The bill is co-sponsored by a number of immigrant advocate groups, including Inclusive Action...
LOS Angeles (Calif.)UNDOCUMENTED immigrantsPOWER (Social sciences)JUSTICEROSALESIMMIGRANTSThe article titled "Fruteros. Street Vending, Illegality, and Ethnic Community in Los Angeles" by Roc铆o Rosales analyzes the ethnic community of fruteros in Los Angeles. The author highlights the i...
LA County regulating street vending Los Angeles County approved new regulations for street vending in the area. Tuesday's vote came on the same day that the city council drastically reduced the permit fees required of street vendors. The cost has been $291 per year and was initially set...
"We've worked to create a system to support legitimate street vending, while disincentivizing illegal resales," Breed wrote. The crackdown was approved by supervisors in March, when they created regulations for street vendors. Those regulations include filling out an application for a permit,...
"During periods of traffic congestion, our officers saw numerous street vendors walking into traffic to sell products to people caught in the congestion. Due to the obvious traffic safety concerns, our officers contacted multiple street vendors who were found to be vending without a permit," said...
Under the ordinance passed unanimously by the council on Tuesday, all types of vending, peddling and selling or soliciting on public streets, sidewalks, parks and other public properties are prohibited. Food catering trucks, however, will be allowed to continue selling as long as they are on pr...
Sidewalks of Emotional Labor: Latina Immigrant Street Vending Practices in Los AngelesMunoz, Lorena
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Los Angeles Restaurants Wary of Street Vending ProposalLike many Los Angeles restaurant owners, Westwood cafe operatorDavid Hekmat isn't happy about...Smith, Dakota
Street vending was criminalized in the city of Los Angeles since the 1930s. The Los Angeles Street Vendor Campaign (LASVC) utilized several framing tactics over the last several years in order to mobilize participants to decriminalize and legalize the profession of street vending. This article ...