文中明确提到 “In Japan, people use landmarks instead of street names.”,所以日本人不用街道名称指路,答案为 T。根据“In the Mid - West of America, there are no towns or buildings within miles.” 可知美国中西部数英里内没有城镇或建筑,不是有很多建筑和街道,答案为 F。从“People in Greece....
aForeign visitors are often puzzled in Japan because most streets there don't havenames. In Japan,people use landmarks instead of street names. For example, the Japanese will say to travelers," Go straight down to the corner. Turn left at the big hotel and go past a fruit market. The...
Last night I wasted a massive ammount of my work-on-blackstreetbbw-time on the internet trying to find this apperently obscure-ish anime because the doofus who posted it on DailyMotion didn’t have the courtesy to put the name of show he got this clip from in his clip’s description ...
In Japan, which is one of the richest countries in the world, these problems have also grown since 1990s. These days, research on homelessness in Japan is gradually increasing, but there are virtually no studies on homeless women. The objectives of this study are (1) to reveal the ...
I was watching her videos for a while (like five hours! OTL XD) and she started to grow on me. I started at the beginning, watcher her Naked Rust adventures. I picked that because they were close to the beginning, had good thumbs, and because of that name, eheh. Personally, I found...
In Japan,people don't use street names,but they use landmarks(地标) in their directions(方向).For example,when you ask the way to a bank,the Japanese can say,"Go along the street,turn left at the hospital and you can see a fruit market.The bank is there." ...
aForeign tourists are often confused(困惑的) in Japan because most streets there don’t have names; in Japan, people use landmarks(地标) in their directions instead of street names 因为那里多数街道() 没有名字,外国游人经常是迷茫的困惑的在日本; 在日本,人们在他们的(方向) 使用地标地标而不是...
6 blocks are just the unnamed spaces in between streets." 7 He leaves, a little confused and disappointed. 8 So, now imagine you're standing on a street, anywhere in Japan. 9 You turn to a person next to you and say, 10 "Excuse me, uh, what is the name of this street?"编辑...
摘要: Japan Avenue in the Yokohama Foreign Quarter in the Meiji Period : Revealing the True Picture and Role of the Street as an Administrative District Based on Nonwritten Material 内田 青蔵 年報非文字資料研究 (10), 65-83, 2014-03
Walking through red torii shrine gates in Kyoto, Japan 4K Walking through red torii shrine gates in Kyoto, Japan 4K Walking through red torii shrine gates in Kyoto, Japan 4K Restaurants on the illuminated, night streets of Kyoto, Japan 4K Traditional...