Since embarking on our first international trip in 1996, WolfeStreetTravel has visited 80 countries on 6 continents. The interactive travel map below depicts these international destinations, as well as U.S. islands and ski / snowboard trip locations. In deciphering the map: Red pins denote locat...
In Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Kauai, HI, USA, 8–14 December 2001; Volume 1, pp. 511–518. Lienhart, R.; Maydt, J. An extended set of haar-like features for rapid object detection. In Proceedings of the 2002 ...
Considering precision-recall curves inside the target group, the highest mAP of 0.8 has been achieved by the pedestrian classifier, the lowest 0.36-by the group classifier. Such a low rate of the group classifier is caused by the formless nature of the class. During the day all precision-...
In Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Kauai, HI, USA, 8–14 December 2001; Volume 1, pp. I-511–I-518. [Google Scholar] He, K.; Zhang, X.; Ren, S.; Sun, J. Deep residual learning for image recognition. In ...
Figure 8. An illustration of the alpha weighting fusion map of two adjacently warped images: (a) two overlapped images represented by the blue and green regions, respectively, with the overlap image region marked in red and the center line marked in yellow; (b) the normalized alpha weighting...