North Buckhead Apartments Pine Hills Apartments Home Park Apartments Grant Park Apartments Virginia Highland Apartments English Avenue Apartments Perimeter Center Apartments Show More [+] Popular Searches Georgia State University Apartments Clark Atlanta University Apartments Spelman College Apartmen...
This apartment's rent is6.14%cheaperthan the median rent of$2,793for a2-bedroom apartment in Midtown, Atlanta, GA. The median issolelybased on the area and the number of bedrooms. Listing-specific characteristics such as the number of bathrooms and the amenities will also impact the price. ...
North Buckhead Apartments Pine Hills Apartments Home Park Apartments Grant Park Apartments Virginia Highland Apartments English Avenue Apartments Perimeter Center Apartments Show More [+] Popular Searches Georgia State University Apartments Clark Atlanta University Apartments Spelman College Apartmen...
This apartment's rent is on par with the median rent of $1,900 for a 1-bedroom apartment in Midtown, Atlanta, GA. The median is solely based on the area and the number of bedrooms. Listing-specific characteristics such as the number of bathrooms and the amenities will also impact the...