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Mirror of the mapnik stylesheets formerly used on - mapnik-stylesheets/osm.xml at master · openstreetmap/mapnik-stylesheets'my-map').setView([48.1500327,11.5753989],10);constisRetina=L.Browser.retina;constbaseUrl="{z}/{x}/{y}.png?apiKey={apiKey}";constretinaUrl="{z}/{x}/{y}@2x.png?apiKe...
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Taking inspiration from nature, Bloomlight reimagines what street lighting could be: friendly, quiet.Light pollution is also considered in the design of Bloomlight. The light of it only shines brightly when it is needed; the rest of the time it is dim(昏暗的). Bloomlight is created by a...
A good day for me is finding a new, old photograph of Indianapolis that sheds light on our city's history. Sadly, a last-minute sniper outbid me on this
How do they stack up against the most splendid housing bubble in America? Holy cow! Canadian housing markets are in a category of their own. No housing market in the US – no matter how crazy Housing Bubble 1 was, which began to implode in 2006, or how crazy Housing Bubble 2 is or ...
light fixtures, doors, and the washing machine/dryer ( for the coins ). There’s a lot of them, high on drugs; they steal bikes, mail and packages. The police refuse to do anything about it; the jails are mostly empty. We’re not allowed to evict; ...
Fourth, our science and innovation program adds another capital-light opportunity to our portfolio and our strong balance sheet positions us for continued organic growth and strategic M&A. On that note, we have already demonstrated considerable patience and discipline in evaluating acquisitions, seeking ...
but we’ve got the capacity and I’ll just say, it’s good to be in a position to have this capacity in light of all the work that has been done on the balance sheet. We’ll do it opportunistically and based on return expectations and again, not publishing a target. David, anything...