PAGE TOP Street Fighter 6 平台 类型对战格斗 发售时期火热发售中 ※均为开发中画面。本页面的内容可能与制品版存在一定差异。*1 通过“购买”可取得产品的使用许可。 @capcomasia @CAPCOMasia Street Fighter系列官方网站 Terms Privacy Policy Cookie Policy All trademarks referenced herein are the properties of...
介绍在《STREET FIGHTER 6》中登场的“JURI”的简介、声音、主题曲。还有指令列表、帧数数据、服装。喜欢人世的纷争和苦恼,以彻底毁灭格斗对手为最大乐趣的享乐主义者。韩蛛俐痛恨夺去她左眼的维加,这种仇恨曾是她的动力。但如今她失去了这个动力,每天都很抑郁寡欢。
Street Fighter 6即日起開放預購,PS5和PS4版將提供額外獎勵。您將可獲得Chun-Li、Jamie、Manon、Dee Jay、Juri和Ken預設服裝的替代顏色、18個遊戲內特殊稱號,以及18個首發角色陣容獨特美術圖案貼紙,讓您個人化您的個人檔案。 如果您還在猶豫要預購哪一個版本,我們在此幫您快速導覽。首先是標準版,其包括格鬥之地、...
Juri's Feng Shui Engine). Level 2s are cancelable from normal or Overdrive attacks. Level 3: The fighter's strongest attack always requires landing a melee strike, and causes a lengthy cinematic on hit. Level 3s can be canceled from Special Attacks. When a character's vitality is at 25%...
We’ll have even more information on World Tour in the future, including what else you can do to immerse yourself in this new foundational mode in Street Fighter 6. Everyone’s Battle Hub Take your avatar from World Tour into the Battle Hub, another core mode in Str...
【Kemonomichi 3】Kotakasyoten(Guile)VS Kurahashi(Ryu)【 Super Street Fighter II Tur 52 -- 3:00 App Samurai Shodown Advanced Parry Exhibition 81 -- 11:07 App 【獣道4 ストV対決】猛者たちの証言 カワノ VS ときど Kemonomichi 4 Street Fighter V interview 78 -- 4:42 App Daigo the Be...
In Street Fighter 6 during her arcade story, despite M. Bison's death at the hands of Ryu in the end of A Shadow Falls; Juri still wanted to get vengeance against Bison, as well as not getting used to the advice of moving on with her vengeance given to her by Chun-Li, following ...
Join the Beta to test our latest design updates.Find out more. Join Beta close Adult content This mod contains adult content. You can turn adult content on in your preference, if you wish VORTEX The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. ...
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