Street Fighter 6 ushers in a new era for the iconic fighting game franchise complete with a diverse roster with new and returning characters. With the Fighting Ground offering a classic fighting game experience and the Battle Hub where players can play matches against other players and engage in...
Powered by Capcom’s proprietary RE ENGINE, the Street Fighter 6 experience spans across three distinct game modes featuring World Tour, Fighting Ground and Battle Hub. Diverse Roster of 18 Fighters Play legendary masters and new fan favorites like Ryu, Chun-Li, Luke, Jamie, Kimberly and more ...
Street Fighter 6 is the most feature-rich a Street Fighter has ever been at launch, but even beyond that, it's roster of 18 characters is excellent, the new mechanics revitalize the one-on-one fighting formula, and it absolutely nails all of the little t
Street Fighter 2 Animated Movie Finally Gets A 4K Blu-Ray Release Can you preorder it? Sure you can! AKI Slithers Her Way Into Street Fighter 6 Next Month The snake-like poison fanatic is the latest all-new member of Street Fighter 6's roster. ...
Street Fighter 6's First DLC Fighter, Rashid, Launches In July; New Gameplay Trailer Released The agile Arab will mark the first post-launch addition to the SF6 roster. Jul 6, 2023 6:24am Evo 2023 Has Over 9,000 People Ready To Fight, A New Record The scouter doesn't lie. Jun 30...
Street Fighter™ 6 launches worldwide on June 2nd, 2023 and represents the next evolution of the series. Powered by Capcom’s proprietary RE ENGINE, the Street Fighter 6 experience spans across three distinct game modes featuring World Tour, Fighting Ground and Battle Hub. Diverse Roster of ...
Street Fighter™ 6 launches worldwide on June 2nd, 2023 and represents the next evolution of the series. Powered by Capcom’s proprietary RE ENGINE, the Street Fighter 6 experience spans across three distinct game modes featuring World Tour, Fighting Ground and Battle Hub. Diverse Roster of ...
Players select from a roster of over 20 diverse fighters featuring new and returning characters from the Street Fighter franchise. Each fighter features a unique fighting style with their own strengths and weaknesses for players to learn and overcome. ...
We’ll have even more information on World Tour in the future, including what else you can do to immerse yourself in this new foundational mode in Street Fighter 6. Everyone’s Battle Hub Take your avatar from World Tour into the Battle Hub, another core mode in St...
Street Fighter 6 had a herculean task ahead of its release- as one of the most prestigious names in the genre, the game had to launch in such a way that it would not only be good, it needed to also completely evaporate all memory of the less-than-stellar