Light Brown (Alpha series)Dark Brown (Street Fighter II series, Street Fighter IV series, crossovers)Black (SFV, SF6)[7] Blood type A[1][2] Measurements B84/W59/H89 (Alpha series)[8][9][10]B88/W58/H90[1] PersonalFirst Game Street Fighter II: The World Warrior Title...
-Also this shows your lack of knowledge of ANOTHER fundamental rule of character design in Street Fighter: each version of special is different, but with you gaining something, you've go to lose something too. You see, Retsu with harder punches pressed goes faster adn does bigger damage. ...
[PC] s/n: 36168196 Fractal Tune Smithy 1.072 Name: Team ElilA s/n: 84MO99YH86MU84W Fractal Tune Smithy 1.072 Name: Team ElilA s/n: 84MO99YH86MU84W Fractal Tune Smithy 1.082 Name: iNCREDiBLE FiGHTER s/n: MS 87XQ1MS 87XQ FrameMaker+SGML 5.5.6 s/n: 34-0-01-01-5-00000-B0A...