They would tie one leg of the baby to the mother and one leg to the father and pull the parents apart, splitting the child in half. A close friend of mine became mentally disturbed after they made her slaughter her own son in a chair. They tied her to a chair, tied a knife to ...
However, at the birth of our third child my wife and I were terribly disappointed at the assigned interpreter’s lack of professionalism in their behavior- they were flirting, making jokes and in general being inappropriate. It was upsetting for my wife to be actively in labor with an ...
Rapid urbanization has resulted in the majority of the world’s population living in cities. At the same time, car-centred planning has resulted in the fact that up to one-third of the urban area is allocated to infrastructures for motor vehicles, including roads and parking lots1. With incr...
The local chapter would be well suited to bring the benefits of tribal communication to members, acting as a bridge between container communication and tribal expectations. The local chapter can create a meaningful personal connection. An example of how the tribe could bridge the container is the ...
Lives of the Criminals, _etc., may seem in the eyes of those who affect great wisdom and put on the appearance of much learning, yet it will not be without its uses amongst the middling sort of people, who are glad to take up with books within the circle of their own comprehension....
Have you ever heard of a poor child who has lived in a very uncomfortable home and didn’t have great wealth? In The House On Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros, this is the problem. In The House On Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros Esperanza Cordero is the main character. Esperanza lived in...
The soon to be passed $3.5 trillion and the $1.2 Trillion govt voter buyout boondoggles will equate to about $3,000 for every man, woman, and child in America, so about $54,000 per family of four….”Something for Nothing”??? How could printing such sums of money NOT have some ...
Comprehension is how the mind comes to know what was pondered, generating some understanding of it or conclusion with regard to the input. This grouping appears to correspond with the three hierarchical levels of consciousness that Zeki et al. distinguish: micro-consciousness, macro-consciousness, ...