你好!";byte[] array = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str);//将字符串转化为字节数组MemoryStream memory =newMemoryStream(array);//初始化MemoryStream类byte[] arrayNew = memory.ToArray();//将内存中的数据转换为字节数组stringstrNew = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(arrayNew);//将字节数组转换为字符串 四、Stre...
byte[] array = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str);//将字符串转化为字节数组 MemoryStream memory = new MemoryStream(array);//初始化MemoryStream类 byte[] arrayNew = memory.ToArray();//将内存中的数据转换为字节数组 string strNew = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(arrayNew);//将字节数组转换为字符串 1. 2....
Console.WriteLine(Convert.ToChar(s));//A//Read(Span<Char>) Span<char> span =new Span<char>(burffer1);//将数组转成指针数组 sr.Read(span);//将流中存入 span,存满后就停止。charPos又向前移动了9个位置 Console.WriteLine(string.Join("",span.ToArray()));//SCII hell//Read(Char[], Int...
MessageBox.Show(Convert.ToChar(b).ToString()); 假设文件的内容是:abcdefghijk 那结果就是:c 和 j Write() //使用从缓冲区读取的数据将字节块写入该流。 函数原型:public override void Write (byte[] array,int offset,int count) // 将字节数组从offset位开始写入count个字节 [csharp]view plain copy ...
MoveTo() [移动文件] CreateText() [新建文件] Open() [打开文件读/写] OpenRead() [打开只读取] OpenText() [打开只读取UTF8编码] OpenWrite() [打开只写入] AppendText() [打开追加写入] 1.3 FileStream 文件流 [二进制文件读写] Flush() [清空缓存] ...
int c = sr.ReadBlock(buf, 0, buf.Length); We read characters from the file with theReadBlockmethod. We start from the first character and specify the length of the array as the number of characters to be read. Console.WriteLine($"{n} characters read"); ...
Convert XML data to byte array... convert xml to apache parquet format Convert Xml to Pdf ? Convert.ToBase64String Convert.ToDouble is not working right? Converting Small endian to Big Endian using C#(long value) converting a .h file to .cs file Converting a byte array to a memorystrea...
🐛 Describe the bug I'm receiving individual frame byte arrays in the h264 or hevc format, each corresponds I believe to either a full keyframe or an intermediate delta frame that needs the keyframe and previous intermediate frames to dec...
MessageBox.Show(Convert.ToChar(Ichar).ToString()); //将int类型转成ASCII字符 } 2、public override int Read(char[] buffer, int index, int count); //从当前流中将最多的 count 个字符读入到buffer数组中,从buffer数组从index位开始写入,返回值为读取 ...
csharp using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; public class StringToStreamReaderConverter { public static MemoryStream StringToMemoryStream(string str) { byte[] array = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str); // 使用UTF8编码将字符串转换为字节数组 MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(array);...