Python应用程序框架Streamlit,是一个开源的Python库,在github(上超过18.9千颗stars、1.7千folk(截止2022.5.6),利用Streamlit可以快速构建机器学习应用和高级数据分析可视化的用户界面。 2. Streamlit-Authenticator安全身份验证组件 在Streamlit官方文档中,没有提供提供安全身份验证组件。
Install streamlit-authenticator 0.3.2. Install streamlit-searchbox 0.1.14. Attempt to use streamlit-searchbox in a Streamlit app. Observe that the component does not work. Expected Behavior When I downgrade Streamlit to version 1.32.0, the streamlit-searchbox component works without any issues. This...
A secure authentication module to manage user access in a Streamlit application. - mkhorasani/Streamlit-Authenticator
'main')# 返り値、authenticaton_statusの状態で処理を場合分けifauthentication_status:# logoutメソッドでaurhenciationの値をNoneにするauthenticator.logout('Logout','main')st.write('Welcome *%s*'%(name))st.title('Some content')elifauthentication_status==False:st.error('Username...
This eliminates the need to read/update the config file separately, instead, Streamlit-Authenticator will automatically read/update the config file for all operations. Fixed Validator parameter bug in Authenticate class Addressed double login bug Addressed auto_hash parameter bug in Authenticate class...
A secure authentication module to manage user access in a Streamlit application. - Streamlit-Authenticator/readthedocs.yaml at main · mkhorasani/Streamlit-Authenticator
A secure authentication module to manage user access in a Streamlit application. - Release v0.3.2 · mkhorasani/Streamlit-Authenticator
A secure authentication module to manage user access in a Streamlit application. - Streamlit-Authenticator/ at main · mkhorasani/Streamlit-Authenticator
Hi there - I'm trying to get your latest updates working with a multi-page application. I would love it if you created a super simple one that would highlight how to use the session state properly: Please remember to pass the authenticator object to each and every page in a multi-page...
A secure authentication module to manage user access in a Streamlit application. - oxyo/Streamlit-Authenticator