1.1. st.text_input 用于输入普通文本或者密码,类似于HTML中的<input type="text">。 核心的参数有: 名称类型说明 label str 输入框前面的标签 key str 唯一标识此输入框的键,可用于在回调中引用 value str 输入框的初始值 type str 输入类型,可以是"default"(默认)或者"password"(密码) 1.2. st.button 提...
import pandas as pdimport streamlit as stdata_df = pd.DataFrame({"widgets": ["st.selectbox", "st.number_input", "st.text_area", "st.button"],})st.data_editor(data_df,column_config={"widgets": st.column_config.TextColumn("Widgets",help="Streamlit **widget** commands 🎈",default...
st.slider(label,min_value=None,max_value=None,value=None,step=None,format=None,key=None,help=None,on_change=None,args=None,kwargs=None,*,disabled=False,label_visibility="visible")# label 说明# min_value 最小值# max_value 最大值# value 当前值 可以是元组# step 步长 importstreamlitasst ...
""" ###4.8文本+数字输入-文字输入:`streamlit.text_input(label, value='', max_chars=None, key=None, type='default')`-数字输入:`streamlit.number_input(label, min_value=None, max_value=None, value=<streamlit.elements.utils.NoValue object>, step=None, format=None, key=None)`""" # 文...
url = st.text_input('请输入**请求的URL地址:**',value='https://e.weather.com.cn/p/site/aqifc1h?areaid=101010300') method = st.selectbox('请求方式', ['GET','POST','PUT','DELETE']) headers = st.text_input('请求头信息') ...
colform7.multiselect(label='下拉多选', options=[' 草莓', ' 西瓜', ' 菠萝', ' 柠檬'], default=[' 西瓜', ' 菠萝'], key='edit_' + 'multiselect') # colform7, colform8 = st.columns([1,1]) st.text_input(label='链接', value='https://streamlit.io/', key='edit_' + 'link...
prompt_text = st.chat_input("Enter the literature text to translate", key="literature_text_input") with history_demo_placeholder.container(height=500, border=False): with st.chat_message("assistant"): st.write("Hi there, feel free to enter the literature text to translate") ...
st.number_input('年龄:', value=20, min_value=0, max_value=200, step=1) 多行文本框 text_area 创建多行文本框使用的是 st.text_area(),用法和 st.text_input() 差不多。 代码语言:javascript 复制 import streamlit as st paragraph = st.text_area("多行内容:") 复选框 checkbox 很多应用在...
Summary When using an st.text_input and setting the value= argument, sometimes the user input is reset to the previous input. Steps to reproduce Run this streamlit script that reads a string from a file, sets it as value of a text input,...
value: Optional[str] = "", key: Optional[str] = None, ): """ Create a Streamlit text input that returns the value whenever a key is pressed. """ component_value = _component_func( label=label, value=value, key=key, default=value ...