创建一个新的文件main.py,完整代码如下: # 使用 Streamlit 进行 HuggingFace 推理的 Python 应用程序# AI 推理库fromhuggingface_hubimportInferenceClientfromlangchainimportHuggingFaceHubimportrequests# 内部使用importosimportdatetimeimportuuid# STREAMLITimportstreamlitasst# 配置文件fromconfigimport(HUGGING_FACE_API_TOKE...
1. Crawl4AI:这是一个专为AI应用设计的爬虫框架,支持多种数据提取方法。2. Streamlit:一个用于快速...
创建一个新的文件main.py,完整代码如下: # 使用 Streamlit 进行 HuggingFace 推理的 Python 应用程序# AI 推理库from huggingface_hub import InferenceClientfrom langchain import HuggingFaceHubimport requests# 内部使用import osimport datetimeimport uuid# STREAMLITimport streamlit as st# 配置文件from config impor...
# 示例请求头名称 header_names = ["Content-Type", "Authorization", "Custom-Header"] # 创建文本输入框 header_values = {} for header in header_names: header_values[header] = st.text_input(f"请输入{header}的值:") 3. 在表单中添加多个文本输入框,每个框对应一个请求头参数 如上所示,这一...
{'Authorization':f'Bearer{API_KEY}'}files={'file':open(audio_path,'rb')}response=requests.post(API_URL,headers=headers,files=files)ifresponse.status_code==200:returnresponse.json()['transcription']else:st.error("Failed to transcribe audio")returnNonedefmain():st.title("Video Subtitle ...
Configuration Before running the application, ensure you have the necessary API keys from Stability AI. Set these keys in theheadersdictionary within thegenerate_imagefunction: python headers = { "Authorization": "Bearer YOUR_API_KEY", "Accept": "image/" } ...
To deploy your Streamlit application on Azure Web App, follow these general steps: STEP 1: Create a Linux Python Web App on Azure. STEP 2: Using VSCode, add two files, "streamlit.sh" and ".deployment", to the root directory of your project. ...
If you enabled the Calendar API (either by typing it in search bar or from APIs and services >Enabled APIs and Services), add the .../auth/calendar.events.readonly to ask the user for Calendar authorization add tests users in 3rd page In APIs and services > Credentials, create a OAuth...
Crawl4AI: 赋能AI用户的开源智能网页爬虫与数据提取 兄弟说句话 在当今人工智能时代,网络爬虫扮演着至...
Authorization via GitHub is required Next, your workspace opens with projects. For a new project, click Create App in the upper right corner Then fill in the appropriate fields. If the main file was not found, Streamlit will tell you about it. It is important to clarify that in order for...