filesimportingobs 29.1.2overlaysstreamlabs Replies: 2 Forum:Windows Support J Lagging frames due to rendering lag and stalls when playing Rainbow Six Siege using Streamlabs OBS Whenever I'm trying to us Streamlabs OBS record Rainbow Six Siege content with my friends, my recordings for it are cons...
OBS Streamlabs Makes My Computer FPS Drop Hey guys, as seen in the title, when I open Streamlabs OBS, or even just regular OBS, my computer starts lagging really hard (FPS drop by more than 50%). It really annoys the hell out of me as I invested a lot in this computer. I kinda ...
But, if it’s an issue with theOBS Studio where the virtual camera is not showing up, we have some quick solutions for you in our detailed post here. Why is my camera not working on Streamlabs? Webcam not working on Streamlabs OBS is nothing new and it usually shows up due to the ...
choppy lagging log file obs obs settings settings streamlabs streamlabs obs video output laggy Replies: 1 Forum: Windows Support I Question / Help No BrowserSource Hello all, Second day using OBS. I wanted to add alerts with streamlabs but I don't have the BrowserSource option. Any ideas...