-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 698212 Jul 10 12:17 postgresql14-contrib-14.2-1PGDG.rhel7.x86_64.rpm -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1556440 Jul 10 12:17 postgresql14-14.2-1PGDG.rhel7.x86_64.rpm -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 273192 Jul 10 12:17 postgresql14-libs-14.2-1PGDG.rhel7.x86_64.rpm -rwx...
What is PostgreSQL streaming replication? PostgreSQL streaming replication is a process that replicates data from a primary PostgreSQL database to one or more standby databases in real-time, ensuring that these standby databases mirror the primary database accurately. This replication method ensures high...
PostgreSQL使用了两种方式传输预写日志:存档式(archive)和流式(streaming)。 存档式复制的原理是主服务器将预写日志主动拷贝到一个安全的位置(可以直接到备用服务器,也可以是第三台服务器),同时备用服务器定期扫描这个位置,并将预写日志拷贝到备用服务器端然后再回放。这样即使主服务器崩溃了,备用服务器也可以从这个...
//CREATE USER replicator WITH REPLICATION ENCRYPTED PASSWORD CREATE USER<user_name>REPLICATION LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD ’<password>’; 2、配置PostgreSQL(postgresql.conf)相关属性 # 相关值 replica|minimal|logicalwal_level=replica# 主备机不同步时,re_wind恢复结点wal_log_hints=on# 设置备机最大并发连接...
PostgreSQL: 9.1.2 版本以上才支持Streaming Replication。 1. 环境规划 Primary和Standby节点最好有相同的环境。 2. 安装PostgreSQL 1)在Primary和Standy节点上安装PostgreSQL软件,安装路径为/opt/pgsql 2)设置postgres用户的环境变量 PGHOME=/opt/pgsql
PostgreSQL安装及Streaming Replication配置是本文我们主要要介绍的内容,因为项目需要搭建postgres环境,并要求具有一定的可靠性。所以笔者在搭建这个环境的同时把步骤及命令记录下来的。笔者是DB2 DBA.但现在项目准备从DB2迁移到postgresql. postgresql笔者也是刚刚接触.笔者以后会把学到的关于postgresql的知识,以及DB2迁移postgresq...
配置修改postgresql streaming replication 废话就不多说了,开始。。。 postgresql从9.0开始有流制复,这里录记一下贱制复的安装录记。 环境: redhat 5.5 64位 PG版本:9.1.2 master: slave: 1.配置主机系统相干数参 1.1修改/etc/sysctl.conf...
psql -c "CREATE USER replicator REPLICATION LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'thepassword';" 1. master机器上的 postgresql.conf,配置成这样: listen_address = # make sure we're listening as appropriate wal_level = hot_standby max_wal_senders = 3 ...
And finally, we’ll enable the slave to serve as a read replica. To do this, enablehot_standbyinpostgresql.conf: hot_standby = on Now we’re ready to start the slave: $ sudo systemctl start postgresql The slave should startup, init the streaming replication and get into hot standby mod...
PostgreSQL’s streaming replication gives you the freedom to pick how consistent your business requires the primary and standbys to be, by using bothsynchronous_commitandsynchronous_standby_names. How? Synchronous_commit Synchronous_commit, articulated in the documentationhere, allows you to define...