Provide a description that is worded well enough to be understood Not read. Provide verbose output that clearly demonstrates the problem Run your yt-dlp command with -vU flag added (yt-dlp -vU <your comman...
Just upload your videos, and be sure they will stream anywhere. Add a description, some tags and your video will be discoverable by the entire video fediverse, not just your instance. You can even embed a player on your favorite website!
Papacharissi, Zizi , 2009. The virtual geographies of social networks: A comparative analysis of Facebook, LinkedIn and ASmallWorld. New Media & Society, 11 (1–2), 199–220. Rogers, Jim , 2013. The death & life of the music industry in the digital age. New York and London: ...
Michael Papajohn Major Cloud John Lavelle Roy Reed Stormy Merriwether Jackson's Daughter Martin Sheen Frank Minis Johnson (uncredited) Martin Luther King Jr. Self (archive footage) (uncredited) Harry Belafonte Self (archive footage) (uncredited) ...
More importantly, the common heterogeneity in data stream greatly reduces the accuracy of streaming recommendations. The reason is that different preferences (or characteristics) of different types of users (or items) cannot be well learned by a unified model. To address these two issues, we ...
The deployment of 3G/LTE networks and advancements in smart mobile devices had led to high demand for multimedia streaming over wireless network. The rapid
Federated (ActivityPub) video streaming platform using P2P (BitTorrent) directly in the web browser with WebTorrent. Client Server ✨ FeaturesVideo streamingJust upload your videos, and be sure they will stream anywhere. Add a description, some tags and your video will be discoverable by the ...
Thistwo-minute video(hosted on PeerTube) explaining what PeerTube is and how it works BitTube's project homepage, Demonstration instance: ✨ Features Just upload your videos, and be sure they will stream anywhere. Add a description, some tags and your video will be di...
Aris-Papathéodorou, Arnaud -Vigoureux , Arnaud-Mounier, Arnaud-Risler, Arnaud-Vigouroux, Arnulf, Arthur-Bellier, arthur-bello, Arthur-Charron, Arthur-De Kimpe, Arthur.Ball, Arthur.Frin, Arvi-LEFEVRE,, auber38, Auguste Psqr, Aurélien-Tamisier, Avel-Musicavel, axel-guegant,...
Aris-Papathéodorou, Arnaud -Vigoureux , Arnaud-Mounier, Arnaud-Risler, Arnaud-Vigouroux, Arnulf, Arthur-Bellier, arthur-bello, Arthur-Charron, Arthur-De Kimpe, Arthur.Ball, Arthur.Frin, Arvi-LEFEVRE,, auber38, Auguste Psqr, Aurélien-Tamisier, Avel-Musicavel, axel-guegant,...