I use StreamElements as a way to support my stream with chat moderation settings and for stream alerts. They're also a great partner for potential sponsorships that help me earn a living while playing games my community enjoys as well. It's all super easy, automated where possible, and has...
Pick one of those and spam it in chat YEP 0 !janitor Everyone haHAA Mods are internet Janitors haHAA very funny, but im so sick of this metaphor. Do people not realize that the stupid messages they write and that i have to ban are the shit on the floor that the janitor has to ...
birnooLove Let’s give them some privacy chat. 0 !brokenmouse Everyone https://clips.twitch.tv/AffluentOutstandingLeopardSwiftRage-kVpViKW8iANb2kbC 0 !noranked Everyone /me Birno is not playing ranked at the moment as there are way too many cheaters and he does not want to lose his ...