!command Moderator Add, edit and delete chat commands. 0 !disablesfx Moderator Disable all Sound Effect items in the Stream Store. 0 !permit Moderator Prevent a viewer from getting timed out for 60 seconds. 0 !docs Moderator Find the StreamElements documentation here: https://docs.StreamElements...
!commandModerator Add, edit and delete chat commands. 0 !editcounterModerator Edit a custom ${count <name>}/${getcount <name>} counter 0 !pingModerator0 !srclearModerator Clear the entire MediaRequest queue. 0 !docsModerator Find the StreamElements documentation here: https://docs.StreamElements...
!commandModerator Add, edit and delete chat commands. 0 !permitModerator Prevent a viewer from getting timed out for 60 seconds. 0 !pingModerator0 !nukeuserSuper Moderator Mass remove messages by user 0 !addpointsSuper Moderator Give points to viewers. Use 'all' for all chatters ...
!command Moderator Add, edit and delete chat commands. 0 !editcounter Moderator Edit a custom ${count <name>}/${getcount <name>} counter 0 !docs Moderator Find the StreamElements documentation here: https://docs.StreamElements.com 0 !ping Moderator 0 !timer Moderator Enable/disable timers 0...
!command Moderator Add, edit and delete chat commands. 0 !ping Moderator 0 !kappagen Moderator KappaGen emotesplosions. 0 !openstore Moderator Enable all items in the Stream Store. 0 !level Super Moderator Set a viewers access level. Reset with !level <username> reset. 0 !hypecup Super Mo...
!commandModerator Add, edit and delete chat commands. 0 !editcounterModerator Edit a custom ${count <name>}/${getcount <name>} counter 0 !permitModerator Prevent a viewer from getting timed out for 60 seconds. 0 !docsModerator Find the StreamElements documentation here: https://docs.StreamEle...
Channel commands A list of chat commands enabled in chat Everyone All commands Default commands Custom commands Command Permissions Response Cost !e-girl Everyone /me "IS THAT A GIRL?" 0 !uwu Everyone /me UwUs are now BANNED by our overlord (this includes any loopholes such as OwO, ...