PHP函数流-socket()返回错误如下: 如果连接失败,errno:将被设置为系统级错误号。 如果连接失败,errstr:将被设置为系统级错误消息。 在测试函数时,到目前为止,我已经成功地记录了这些错误: 代码语言:javascript 复制 errstr:"Connection timed out"...
PHPMailer项目地址: 项目中用到PHPMailer,使用过程中报错:"Connection failed. Error #2: stream_socket_client(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages:" 由于我用的第三方smtp是ssl链接,所以需要再添加一些参数: $mail->SMTPOptions =array('ssl' =...
mmm, are you reporting that if you change for example ip to in this example it would not end up in exception block? @ sign in front of stream_socket_client should guarantee that no errors are raised and ...
HTTP 的代理服务器既是 Web 服务器又是 Web 客户端。HTTP 客户端会向代理发送请求报文,代理服务器必...
I set up 2 servers. One server (A) is running a NGINX site on HTTPS, a Rabbitmq server on an SSL listener and has PHP 5.5.34 installed. The second server (B) just has PHP 5.5.9 installed. Using the code further down below, I run the foll...
五:协程方式请求网页:curl、stream_socket和swoole http client对比 一:curl 二:stream_socket 三:Coroutine\Http\Client
I am trying to send email from localhost to but getting an error: Swift_TransportException Connection could not be established with host :stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to tsl://:465 (Unable to find the socket transport...
id=65679&r=fixedFixed in release: backtrace: Reproduce Script: newer version:
If you're still having issues, you can try using a different mailer (e.g.MAIL_MAILER=sendmail). You can find more information about configuring the mailer in the Laravel documentation:
メール送信機能を作るためににこのサイト( を参考にしました。 購入画面から購入ボタンを押すとメールが送られるはずなのですが、エラーが出ます。 発生している問題・エラー Connection could not be established with host :stream...