Guide to help users of Stream (Classic) understand how to use Stream (on SharePoint) with videos in SharePoint, Teams, and OneDrive
Opas, jonka avulla Stream (Classic) käyttäjät voivat ymmärtää, miten Streamia (SharePointissa) käytetään Videoissa SharePointissa, Teamsissa ja OneDrivessa
约两年前,Cyrus 宣布与 Lenbrook International 合作,将 BluOS 流媒体平台集成到他们的产品中, 现在他们已正式为其 Classic 和 XR 系列推出两款新的流媒体播放器。Cyrus Classic-STREAM 和 Cyrus Stream-XR 产品都是功能齐全的流媒体 DAC,能够无线播放高达 24 位/192kHz 的无损音乐。BluOS 操作系统和 BluOS 控...
Hi, How can I see if my tenant is on 'classic' Stream or the new Stream on the Stream admin portal ? Regards, Marcel
Hi, How can I see if my tenant is on 'classic' Stream or the new Stream on the Stream admin portal ? Regards, Marcel
–Stream (Classic)中所有未遷移的內容都將被刪除。 2025年2月15日– Stream (Classic)相關連結和內嵌程式碼將停止導向至OneDrive和SharePoint的影片。 如果您是Stream管理員,我們建議您開始為組織規劃將內容轉移到Stream (on SharePoint),並儘快讓用戶熟悉此服務。
当管理员已启用将视频保存到 SharePoint 上的流 (时,阻止屏幕录制以在经典版中保存视频)|修复估计:2023 年 9 月 30日 - 如果管理员已启用通过此功能将视频保存到 ODSP,屏幕录制仍会将视频保存到 Stream (Classic) ,此上传也将禁用。 在SharePoint 中迁移后,客户有时会在创建者或修改的列中看到流管理员的名...
Permissions: We mirror permissions between videos on Stream (Classic) and Stream (on SharePoint) as much as possible. But there are differences in the two versions, based on physical location construct and edit vs view rights. It's especially true for videos associated with multiple groups, Str...
basic_streambuf(); basic_streambuf(const basic_streambuf& right); 參數right basic_streambuf 物件的左值參考,用來設定這個 basic_streambuf 物件的值。備註第一個受保護的建構函式會在控制輸入緩衝區和輸出緩衝區的所有指標中儲存一個 null 指標。 它也會在地區設定物件中儲存 locale::classic。 如需詳細資訊...
12% of page views were to group, channel, and other pages in Stream (Classic) 5% of page views were directly to the home page of the classic stream portalSo, with a few exceptions, the single portal idea doesn’t really work. Instead, people are embedding videos where potential viewers ...