这意味着在某些输入下,输出的概率分布是不可逆的,因此这种函数被称为“强”单向函数(Strong One-Way Function,SOWF)。 我们可以利用这种函数的性质来构造统计学上的伪随机数生成器(Statistical PRNG)。 为了构造一个统计学上的PRNG,我们需要选择一个函数 f(x) = x^2 \mod N 来对f 的输出结果进行映射,使其...
首先是检查header的github action的ci # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file# distributed with this work for additional information# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file# to you under the Apache L...
# Licensed to the Apache SoftwareFoundation(ASF)under one or more # contributor license agreements.See theNOTICEfile distributedwith#thisworkforadditional information regarding copyright ownership.# TheASFlicensesthisfile to You under the Apache License,Version2.0#(the"License");you may not usethisfile...
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When there's no incoming event, the watermark is the current estimated arrival time minus the late arrival tolerance window. The estimated arrival time is the time that has elapsed from the last time an input event was seen plus that input event's arrival time. ...
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On my system, this causes Node to read two full 64K chunks, plus one smaller chunk. This makes for an interesting example:When we get the first data event (the first printout above), the data has already been written to the PassThrough, which wrote it downstream to the /dev/null stream...
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