The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) Trailer #1 | Movieclips Classic Trailers Watch on This vintage war epic follows a group of British prisoners of war who, under Japanese command, must build a bridge over Burma’s River Kwai—as the title makes clear. The story, which comes from a 195...
The Bridge on the River Kwai - 1957 Starring original Obi-Wan Kenobi himself, Sir Alec Guinness, this inimitable epic by filmmaker David Lean has the dubious honor of being the film he made before Lawrence of Arabia, but that doesn’t stop The Bridge on the River Kwai from continuing its...
Kitano’s style is slow-burn, with lengthy, static shots that suddenly and shockingly change, often to comic effect. (The film’s chapter headings are also very funny.) The pair meet some colorful characters on the road, including a poet and a pair of bikers, and no one seems to be i...
Kitano’s style is slow-burn, with lengthy, static shots that suddenly and shockingly change, often to comic effect. (The film’s chapter headings are also very funny.) The pair meet some colorful characters on the road, including a poet and a pair of bikers, and no one seems to be i...
Director David Lean was in-between his intimate, black-and-white movies (Brief Encounter) and his massive, Oscar-friendly epics (The Bridge on the River Kwai) when he made the touching, bittersweet dramaSummertime(1955), a small story told on a wide canvas. Katharine Hepburn plays ...