The Old Guard follows a band of do-gooding mercenaries, led by Theron's Andy, who also happen to be immortal. Through the ages, they've managed to keep their heads down and dispense with vigilante justice undetected, but the advent of technology soon makes that impossible. Not content to ...
{"id":"custom.widget.MicrosoftFooter","template":{"id":"MicrosoftFooter","markupLanguage":"HANDLEBARS","style":".context-uhf {\n min-width: 280px;\n font-size: 15px;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;\n -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;\n & *,\n...
npx react-native@latest init Project --template react-native-template-typescript npm install @aws-sdk/client-cognito-identity-provider Add the following to the import section of to App.tsx: import { CognitoIdentityProviderClient, InitiateAuthCommandInput, InitiateAuthCommand, AuthFlowType } from "...
If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account. Download the phone call event generator app, from the Microsoft Download Center or get the source code from GitHub.Sign in to AzureSign in to the Azure portal....
create a link that is "anyone with link can view". Please allow external guests to view video. We are looking for a way to compile vidoe resources to share accross our district but we need the ability to give our youngest learners and thier families easy access...Is this co...
For example, I have GTA IV installed on my main PC, and when I try to stream it to my Steam Deck, the stream gets stuck at the starting splash screen because I'm using a mod that skips the intro screens and takes me directly to the game menu. Option 2: Stream Locally With Moon...
Deploy the TollApp event generator to Azure, use this link toDeploy TollApp Azure Template. Set the 'interval' parameter to 1. Create and use a new resource group for this step. Create aData Lake Storage Gen2 account. Create a Stream Analytics job ...
Now choose the "Stream pre-recorded video" template. 3. Choose where you want to go live (Profile/Page)with your pre-recorded video. 4. Upload your video and see its preview before posting to Facebook. 5. If everything is OK then simply click on a POST to FACEBOOK to go live. If...
For a growing number of applications, this necessitates a shift in mindset where we want to respond to an opportunity as soon as it presents itself, based on insight built in an incremental manner over time, with the response having an optimal, if not always the best, fidelity or ...
When filing a bug, please include the following headings if possible. Any example text in this template can be deleted. Overview of the Issue While building an image on CentOS stream 9 cloud image, we are facing the following error: 2022...