注意,用户(user)命名空间没有被使用,OCI 运行时规范提及了对用户命名空间的支持。不过,虽然 Docker 可以将此命名空间用于其容器,但由于固有的限制,它默认情况下没有使用。...并且正如预期的那样,基于 VM 的 Pod 与传统 Linux 容器实现的 Pod 在实现和功能方面会有所
); bufStream.Close(); } } static void SendData(Stream netStream, Stream bufStream) { DateTime startTime; double networkTime, bufferedTime; // Create random data to send to the server. byte[] dataToSend = new byte[dataArraySize]; new Random().NextBytes(dataToSend); // Send the data ...
Now watch the remaining requests assigned to the same channel causeStream refused by servererrors, except typically they'll start doing it around their own expiration times (even requests that should normally have a fast response); they are also not sent to the grpc service and end up failing ...
Stellt einen Datenstrom bereit, der das Negotiate-Sicherheitsprotokoll verwendet, um den Client und optional den Server in der Clientserverkommunikation zu authentifizieren.
Description I tried the SRS, however I couldn't get success when trying to broadcast to the rtmp server SRS Version: XCORE-SRS/5.0.148(Bee) ffmpeg Log: ffmpeg -re -f lavfi -i testsrc=duration=60:size=1280x720:rate=30 -c:v h264_videotoolb...
In your fms.ini, what do you have the adaptor.hostport set to? Also, is there anything else running on the server that might occupy port 80... perhaps an HTTP server? If so, what's the environment? IIS, apache, windows, Linux, etc?
Startet einen asynchronen Vorgang, um die serverseitige Authentifizierung einer Client-/Serververbindung durchzuführen.
prompt> ./startwlevs.sh コンソール・ログに次のように表示されるまで待機します。 <Mar 4, 2010 2:13:15 PM EST> <Notice> <Spring> <BEA-2047000> <The application context for "spatial_sample" was started successfully> <Mar 4, 2010 2:13:15 PM EST> <Notice> <Server> <BEA...
Error Message: “The input is not a valid Base-64 string” Installed .net Framework 4.6.2 which might or might not be relevant to the problems, i can’t remember if i tried to add an azure account before installing 4.6.2. Installed VS 2022 Enterprise: Never was able ...
("\nShutting down the connection."); bufStream.Close(); } }staticvoidSendData(Stream netStream, Stream bufStream){ DateTime startTime;doublenetworkTime, bufferedTime;// Create random data to send to the server.byte[] dataToSend =newbyte[dataArraySize];newRandom().NextBytes(dataToSend);//...