an array, a generator function, or an I/O channel); followed by zero or more intermediate operations such as Stream.filter or; and a terminal operation such as Stream.forEach or Stream.reduce
Java 8 Stream 总结 Stream 简介 Stream 是什么 Classes to support functional-style operations on streams of elements, such as map-reduce transformations on collections. Stream 是 Java 8 新特性,可对 Stream 中元素进行函数式编程操作,例如 map-reduce。 先来看一段代码:
惰性求值(Lazy Evaluation):流的元素只在需要时才进行计算,不会提前计算整个流,简而言之,就是延迟处理,可以一定程度上优化程序的性能。 短路操作(Short-Circuiting Operations):对于某些操作,如果前面的元素已经满足条件,后面的元素就不再需要进行处理,类似Java里的&&,例如,false&&true,前面第一个为false,后面的就无...
Under the hood, Stream API automatically uses the ForkJoin framework to execute operations in parallel. By default, the common thread pool will be used and there is no way (at least for now) to assign some custom thread pool to it. This can be overcome by using a custom set of parallel...
短路操作(Short-Circuiting Operations):对于某些操作,如果前面的元素已经满足条件,后面的元素就不再需要进行处理,类似Java里的&&,例如,false&&true,前面第一个为false,后面的就无需再作判断了。 可消费性:流只能被消费一次,即每个元素只能被处理一次,就像河水一样,只能流过一次。
Stream Operations 1. Intermediate operations Intermediate operations return the stream itself so you can chain multiple method calls in a row. 1.1 Stream.filter() var names=Stream.of("b","a","c");...
对stream的操作分为为两类,中间操作(intermediate operations)和结束操作(terminal operations),二者特点是: 中间操作总是会惰式执行,调用中间操作只会生成一个标记了该操作的新stream,仅此而已。 结束操作会触发实际计算,计算发生时会把所有中间操作积攒的操作以pipeline的方式执行,这样可以减少迭代次数。计算完成之后stre...
中间操作(Intermediate Operations) 无状态(Stateless)操作:每个数据的处理是独立的,不会影响或依赖之前的数据。如filter()、flatMap()、flatMapToDouble()、flatMapToInt()、flatMapToLong()、map()、mapToDouble()、mapToInt()、mapToLong()、peek()、unordered() 等; ...
filter、map 和 sorted 是中间操作(Intermediate operations) forEach 是终端操作(terminal operation) 诸如filter 或 map等中间操作会返回另一个 Stream,可以连成一条流水线。而终端操作是从流的流水线生成结果,会返回 void 或者不是流的值,比如List、Integer。
Sorting a Stream in Java 8 When working with streams in Java 8, thesorted()method is used to sort the elements of the stream. This method takes aComparatoras an argument, which defines the order in which the elements should be sorted. ...