@leeebo Sorry I didn't pay much attention to the header, thought a simple if (bulk_xfer) would do it. So we still need to find a way to know if it's in single or multi transfer mode, maybe checking the first several transfers to determine? then process the later ones accordingly. ...
Unfortunately this is a pretty difficult notion on the backend, however, as the semantics of duplicate file descriptors and epoll notifications tends to get... interesting. (much less the Windows semantics as well). I don't think it's impossible but I don't think it's easy either, and w...
2–re-generatePSIPtables(PMTdescriptors,xVCT,EITandETT) DVBEIT RegeneratingDVBEITonPID0x12. BISS October04,2010Release05.02.06.001 Page12of24 HarmonicProStream1000ReleaseNotes TheBasicInteroperableScramblingSystem(BISS)isbasedontheDVB-CSAspecification. ItusesfixedclearkeyswhichcalledSessionWords...
I would like to set up a chain of descriptors to some memory blocks with the 'bytes_to_transfer' field set to the size of the memory blocks, and when an EOP occurs I would like the DMA transfer to continue with the following descriptor in the following memory block. ...
There was a lot of engineering that went into making the Stream Deck, and I’m going to have to simplify. The #1 rule for this ischeap. I wanted to make something that people could reasonably build at home, at a much lower cost than an off-the-shelf Stream Deck. The fancy ARM proc...
I would like to set up a chain of descriptors to some memory blocks with the 'bytes_to_transfer' field set to the size of the memory blocks, and when an EOP occurs I would like the DMA transfer to continue with the following descriptor in the following memory block. ...
I was able to prove that if even just one URL of the entire batch causes an exception (eg. a timeout or even a simple 404 not found status response) it immediately triggers the "bug" where NONE of the class destructors get called, file descriptors stay open, etc. Try this test gist...
This train of thought is quite similar to the fovea stream in [15] but takes it further by removing frames at the extremities. The second architecture was developed to encourage cross-pollination between streams; this implies that just as the optical stream enforces representation learning in the...