In literature, stream of consciousness writing is a literary device which seeks to portray an individual's point of view by giving the written equivalent of the character's thought processes, either in a loose interior monologue, or in connection to his or her sensory reactions to external occur...
C.佩戴安全头盔 正确答案:B 54、滑雪造成的骨折不应怎么处理? A.立即搬动患者 B.包扎固定伤口 C.有伤口出血先止血 正确答案:A 55、滑雪过程中脱臼应采取什么措施? A.不要随意活动 B.揉搓脱臼部位 C.自行复位 正确答案:A 56、滑雪过程中被冻伤不能采取什么措施?
Stream of consciousness In literary criticism, stream of consciousness is a narrative mode or method that attempts "to depict the multitudinous thoughts and feelings which [sic] pass through the mind" of a narrator.[1] Better known, perhaps, is the 1855 usage by Alexander Bain in the first ...
(2012b). The stream of consciousness: Literary psychology as the first uniquely American phenomenology in the works of William James and his Swedenborgian and Transcendentalist milieu. In A.T. Tymieniecka (Ed.), Art, Literature and Passions of the Skies , Analecta Husserliana, 108 , 112....
When used as a term in literature, stream of consciousness is a narrative form in which the author writes in a way that mimics or parallels a character’s internal thoughts. Sometimes this device is also called “internal monologue,” and often the style incorporates the natural chaos of thou...
英语外语频道的英语外语频道的Stream Of Consciousness “意识流”短文现已更新,您可以打开喜马拉雅FM的APP或者在线收听English Literature-英文美文赏析的Stream Of Consciousness “意识流”短文,在English Literature-英文美文赏析专辑中,您可以及时收听Stream Of Con
英国文学21 Stream of Consciousness StreamofConsciousnessWoolf&Joyce StreamofConsciousnessInlate19thcentury,theliterarydeviceof“interiormonologue”wasoriginatedinFranceasanapplicationofmodernpsychologicalknowledgetoliterarycreation.Inthe20thcentury,undertheinfluenceofFreud’stheoryofpsychologicalanalysis,anumberofwriters...
Why Do Writers Use Stream of Consciousness in Literature? So why do writers use stream of consciousness? For centuries, the art of storytelling focused on the events of a story. Stories were expected to be linear. The characters’ thoughts and emotions were often not the driving force of a ...
stream of consciousness (in literature)— 意识流 victory reports pour in (idiom); news of success in an endless stream— 捷报频传 也可见: stream名— 流名 · 水流名 · 流程名 · 溪流名 · 串流名 · 河流名 · 小溪名 · 数据流名 ...
stream-of-consciousness 英['stri:məv'kɒnʃəsnɪs] 美[ˌstrɪməv'kɒnʃəsnɪs] 释义 adj. 意识流的 实用场景例句 全部 Ulysses is a classic novel in the technique of stream of consciousness. 《尤利西斯》是意识流小说的经典之作....