However, some changes need to be made to obs-studio's default configuration before building: ENABLE_SCRIPTING must be set to false ENABLE_UI must be set to false QTDIR should not be specified as it is not used. If you don't know how to build obs-studio from source, you may find ...
stream-labs / obs-ndi Public forked from DistroAV/DistroAV Notifications Fork 2 Star 5 Network A/V in OBS Studio License GPL-2.0 license 5 stars 368 forks Branches Tags Activity Star Notifications stream-labs/obs-ndi streamlabs 25 Branches22 Tags Code This branch is 40 commits ...
Cs go not working in obs Hello, I have a problem with cs:go because I can't use game capture to stream this game, the allow_third_party_software command doesn't work. I can only stream by screen capture which I don't want, all other games work. I have a black screen in obs. ...
OBS Ver 28.1.2 Alert Box Widget Not Working In Streamlabs Bot Hello! I have an issue on OBS ver 28.1.2 for streamlabs alert box not showing up. I have deleted and re-added in but the strange thing is it works in the browser but on OBS. Is there a solution that I fix in my set...
Regarding your inquiry about mono audio support in Camo Studio for iPad, we want to inform you that it's not currently supported. However, our engineers are fully aware of the demand for this feature and are diligently working to include it in future updates. ...
From those initial partnership discussions all the way through today’s acquisition announcement, Phil Cluff, who runs Product Labs here at Mux, has been working alongside the Stream Club team. I'll turn it over to him to share a bit about what's to come as we drive the integration of ...
4 "company_name":"AMUSED HAWK LABS" 5 "price":8.41 6 "tx_time":"2024-04-03T14:51:40Z" 7 } Let’s create the $source variable for our HostedKafka connection. 1 s_kafka = { $source: { connectionName: "HostedKafka", "topic": "Stocks" } } Next, let’s create a tumbling w...
I currently have a MacBook Air which makes streaming nearly impossible since the computer is unable to handle the demand of stream labs and OBS. I’m not ready to buy a MacBook Pro so was at a bit at a loss of how to live stream until I came across this app! It’s absolutely per...
If you wish to contribute translations, do not submit pull requests. Instead, please use Crowdin. For more information read this page: Other ways to contribute are by helping people out with support on our forums or in our ...
A Plugin for OBS Studio to enable Spout2 ( input / output - stream-labs/obs-spout2-plugin