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When All of the adults in town mysteriously vanish, the surviving teens have to come together to form a new society. While the newfound freedom is a welcome change at first, the kids soon break off into factions, fighting for supremacy in their new, terrifying reality. Blending elements of ...
With an all-star cast (Annette Bening, Julianne Moore, Mark Ruffalo) of layered characters and some of the snappiest dialogue the family drama has ever known, this movie is one that will hang with you long after the credits roll.—A.F. How to watch: The Kids Are All Right is availa...
From "Gossip Girl" to "The Wonder Years," here are the best teen shows (from soaps and dramas, to comedies) that you were, or should be, obsessed with.
America's Court with Judge Ross S1E139 Fighting a Fighter/Grandma Loan or Gift? (2011) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NOT YET RELEASED Seen 377. We the People with Gloria Allred S1E185 Earring Thief/Pen-alize this Man (2012) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NOT YET RELEASED Seen 378...
A must-watch Korean thriller film, Train to Busan presents a fresh and original take on one of the most classic film genres — the zombie apocalypse flick — as it follows a man fighting for survival on a speeding train that's overtaken by a zombie outbreak. Prepare to be on the edge ...
(which was first adapted into a feature film in 1930), this German-language movie tells the story of a young German soldier (Felix Kammerer) whose naïve expectations of fighting for his country are shattered by war’s harrowing reality. As you'd expect,All Quiet on the Western Frontis ...
Pizza of My Heart S5, E17 Problems You Didn't Know You Had S5, E18 Deleted but not Forgotten S5, E19 Moms Behaving Badly S5, E20 Shimmer Down S5, E21 Games of Chance S5, E22 Fighting Chance S5, E41 Welcome Home? S5, E42
Sometimes you want to watch a multi-layered, beautifully shot tale with cutting edge writing and deep-rooted symbolism. Other times you just want to watch people fighting a giant boar. Chris Sun's Boar is — and I can't stress this enough — absolutely ridiculous, a slapstick creature-featu...
(Beckinsale) is blackmailed into betraying her country. Cut off from her elite team, Graves delves into the underworld to search for the intelligence the kidnappers seek. But she’s not the only one looking for it, and she’ll have to lean on every ounce of her training and fighting ...