A webcam broadcasting setup allows you to stream a continuous live feed captured directly on a webcam. For those unfamiliar, a webcam is a digital camera that captures photos and videos when connected to a laptop or computer. The primary purpose of a webcam live feed is to engage your au...
# create transparent overlay for bounding box bbox_array = np.zeros([480,640,4], dtype=np.uint8) # grayscale image for face detection gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) # get face region coordinates faces = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray) # get face bounding box for over...
A webcam broadcasting setup allows you to stream a continuous live feed captured directly on a webcam. For those unfamiliar, a webcam is a digital camera that captures photos and videos when connected to a laptop or computer. The primary purpose of a webcam live feed is to engage your au...