You need the new Stream Deck + You need to download the latest version 3.x, installed on your computer You need an active network connection only if the EOS software is not local. With EOS v3.2.x you can also use the loopback address when you use Compani...
Tap. Touch. Turn. Stream Deck + is the interface you love — plus a touch strip and dials. Swipe between pages, create dial stacks, and make it yours with plugins and icons.
Tap. Touch. Turn. Stream Deck + is the interface you love — plus a touch strip and dials. Swipe between pages, create dial stacks, and make it yours with plugins and icons.
Stream Deck Google Meet插件 此插件可让在Google Meet通话中控制您的相机和麦克风。 它提供了切换按钮,显示您的相机和麦克风是打开还是关闭,每当您按下Stream Deck按钮或直接在Meet中静音/取消静音时,它们都会更新。 它还提供了一些其他按钮来控制Meet Web UI的各种元素。
This plugin for the Elgato StreamDeck allows for better control of OBS when using Studio Mode. - unknowndomain/streamdeck-obs-plus
SideshowFx - After Effects Pro Toolkit Stream Deck Plus 在After Effects 中使用 Stream Deck Plus 设备进行工作时,提高速度并留出更多时间进行创作,这包包含 12 个配置文件,专为最常见的后期制作工作流程进行编程和组织。借助 430 多个 After Effects 编程快捷键和 61 个编程旋转拨盘控件,您将体验到比以往任何...
AJA 发布适用于 HELO Plus 的免费 Stream Deck 插件 在NAB 2024 之前,AJA Video Systems 为其紧凑型 HELO PlusH.264 流媒体和录制设备发布了新的 Stream Deck 插件。该软件允许主播、视听专业人士、学校和游戏玩家使用流行的 Elgato Stream Deck 桌面控制器对 HELO Plus 进行简单、即时的基于硬件的控制。 https://substa...
In Spanish 21, all the tens are removed from the deck, which might seem like a disadvantage at first. However, this game compensates with player-friendly rules such as allowing late surrenders, doubling down on any number of cards, and bonuses for making 21 with five or more cards. These...
Hello and happy new year to everyone. I am trying to set up the heading button on my Stream Deck Plus. I manage to make it increase and decrease the HDG, but I can't get it to, when pressed the button, in Rotary Encoder mode, set the HDG to the track heading, that is, exactly...