Stream Deckmobile 指尖轻触,实时掌控 掌控一切工作流程 直播 对话 灯光 音频 编辑 全都可以用您的手機和平板電腦操作 ...在设备环境中 让STREAM DECK火力全开 梦幻般的连接体验 轻松上手,简单快捷。 在电脑上打开Stream Deck,通过无线网络连接移动设备。
Get the free app Stream Deckmobile Instant control at your fingertips Control any workflow Your stream Your conversations Your lighting Your audio Your editing ALL FROM YOUR PHONE & TABLET ...IN YOUR RIG Get the best ofStream Deck Profiles ...
Stream Deck和Stream Deck XL的按键大小相同,按键表面会反光,键面微凹,薄膜非机械轴,所以键程比较长,有老式功能键盘的反馈感。 Stream Deck XL的USB连接线是穿过支架,在下方走线的,所以看起来要比Stream Deck规整一些。 相对于Stream Deck XL的固定式磁吸支架,Stream Deck的支架可以对倾角进行多档调节,不过面对可控...
Open Stream Deck on your computer, then connect wirelessly from your mobile device. Don't have the desktop app yet? Get it free for macOS or Windows. --- STREAM DECK ON IPHONE AND IPAD "Hey Siri" Hands tied? Across the room? Create...
为了让更多人能够体验Stream Deck,Elgato推出了一个可免费体验30天的stream deck app,官网可下载。 这个APP支持IOS/Android双系统,拥有Stream Deck全部功能,15个虚拟按键,可完全自定义图标和功能。深度集成 OBS, Philips Hue, iCUE, Zoom 等常用软件,可控制同局域网内的Elgato全家桶,支持Siri,用语音命令来启动应用、...
Open Stream Deck on your computer, then connect wirelessly from your mobile device. Don't have the desktop app yet? Get it free for macOS or Windows. --- STREAM DECK ON IPHONE AND IPAD "Hey Siri" Hands tied? Across the room? Create...
随着运行软件上下文的变化,Stream Deck 的按钮也可以按照预设形成不同的功能,和Quicker这款生产力工具又有些许神似。 Stream Deck 有多款,有些比较大个,按钮比较多,有些则比较迷你。 火箭君个人觉得是挺酷的一款工具,但是没有想好具体应用场景,据说直播,剪视频之类的工作者会有更深的需求场景。这次,我带来的译文...
商店中的所有音效都没有DMCA标记,也没有版权风险。Stream Deck控台有6键、15键和32键等多个尺寸版本,以及一款带有15个虚拟键的手机APP。所有的Stream Deck用户都可以通过Stream Deck 5.0轻松制作出高质量的视听作品。Stream Deck 5.0面向所有Stream Deck用户开放,可以立即通过任何Stream Deck软件版本免费下载。
Open Stream Deck on your computer, then connect wirelessly from your mobile device. Don't have the desktop app yet? Get it free for macOS or Windows. --- STREAM DECK ON IPHONE AND IPAD "Hey Siri" Hands tied? Across the room? Create...
- USB Connection requires Stream Deck 6.7 or later on your computer. To connect Stream Deck Mobile via USB to Windows, the Apple Devices app from the Microsoft store is required. # Bugfix This update resolves an issue where virtual devices were not listed after pairing with a computer. We ...