The official React Native SDK for Stream Chat, a service for building chat applications. Latest version: 6.5.1, last published: a day ago. Start using stream-chat-react-native in your project by running `npm i stream-chat-react-native`. There are 4 other
Connect to Stream Chat React Native SDK Run in the root of this repo yarn link Run in the root of one of the example apps (SampleApp/TypeScriptMessaging) in the stream-chat-react-native repo yarn link stream-chat yarn start Open metro.config.js file and set value for watchFolders as ...
💬 React-Native Chat SDK ➜ Stream Chat. Includes a tutorial on building your own chat app experience using React-Native, React-Navigation and Stream - GetStream/stream-chat-react-native
stream-chat-react-nativePublic 💬 React-Native Chat SDK ➜ Stream Chat. Includes a tutorial on building your own chat app experience using React-Native, React-Navigation and Stream MDX1,01932733(4 issues need help)3UpdatedMar 11, 2025 ...
在React StreamChat中使用setUser()方法,可以通过以下步骤完成: 首先,确保已经安装了Stream Chat的React SDK。可以通过以下命令进行安装: 代码语言:txt 复制 npm install stream-chat-react 在React组件中引入所需的依赖项: 代码语言:txt 复制 import { StreamChat } from 'stream-chat'; import { Chat } from ...
getstream-io mention getstream-chat 你好,问题解决者:) 我正在尝试重定向到消息气泡上提到的用户配置文件,在新闻发布会上提到。 我研究了react本机的getstream文档,但没有发现任何与此问题相关的内容。发布于 4 月前 ✅ 最佳回答: 您可以按以下方式进行操作: <Channel channel={channel} onPressMessage={(...
要开发一个多端ChatGPT客户端,可以采取以下步骤: 1.API接口:首先,你需要确保你可以访问ChatGPT的API接口。这可能意味着你需要使用OpenAI提供的接口,或者如果你有能力自己搭建类似的系统,也可以使用自己的后端服务。 2.多端框架:选择一个可以支持多端开发的框架。例如,Taro、uni-app、React Native等可以一次性编写代...
Real-time Chat Drive 1:1 or group interaction during your broadcast in real-time. Record Live Streams Capture every moment of your stream and store it on your devices. Screenshare All users can share their screen to other participants during live streams. ...
5.1 HTML5 Plus vs. React Native 5.2 Manifest.json文档说明 manifest配置 Manifest.json文件是HTML5 Plus App的配置文件。 用于 配置应用信息, App图标和启动图片, 配置SDK信息(地图,支付,推送), ...
。 这个错误提示表示输入连接的stream为空字符,可能是由于输入错误或者缺少必要的参数导致的。在云计算领域中,stream通常指的是数据流,用于在计算机系统之间传输数据。在编程中,我们可以使用各种...