“io: stream cancelled by client”是一个在服务器端常见的错误信息,表明一个正在进行的I/O操作(通常是网络通信或文件传输)被客户端主动取消了。这通常发生在客户端在数据完全接收或发送完毕之前关闭了连接。 2. 可能导致的原因 客户端异常关闭:客户端应用程序可能因为某种错误、用户操作或资源限制(如内存不足、网...
Describe the issue I catch interface request by Charles. Occasional phenomenon as follows. I am not sure what the cause of the problem is. need some help. Thanks Environment: Axios Version ["axios": "^0.19.0"] OS: [iOS 12.3.1] Browser [i...
When AVPlayerItem requests for downloading the audio stream, then randomly we get a failure response "IO: Stream cancelled by CLIENT". Audio download requests are divided into multiple stream requests by AVPlayerItem. Only the first stream request gives success response, the remaining stream request...
I use grpc-0.6.5 with the following code: main(List<String> args) async { await Server([Service()]).serve(port: 8022); final client = ServiceClient(ClientChannel( 'localhost', port: 8022, options: const ChannelOptions(credentials: Channe...
NSUrlErrorCancelledReason NSUrlProtectionSpace NSUrlProtocol NSUrlProtocolClient NSUrlQueryItem NSUrlRelationship NSUrlRequest NSUrlRequestCachePolicy NSUrlRequestNetworkServiceType NSUrlResponse NSUrlSession NSUrlSessionActiveTasks NSUrlSessionActiveTasks2 NSUrlSessionAllPendingTasks NSUrlSessionAuthChallengeDispo...
默认值为600。导入任务在设定的timeout时间内未完成则会被系统取消,变成CANCELLED。如果导入的源文件无法在规定时间内完成导入,您可以在Stream load请求中设置单独的超时时间或者调整FE的参数stream_load_default_timeout_second来设置全局的默认超时时间。 BE配置...
Whenever a read or write operation is cancelled, the I/O operation completes with Error state and the associated StreamSocket object immediately tears down the connection, which leads to an ungraceful disconnect (RST) if any unread or unsent data remains on the socket. Ungraceful disconnects (...
name === 'AbortError') { // The operation was cancelled } else { throw e; } } })(); API for stream implementers The node:stream module API has been designed to make it possible to easily implement streams using JavaScript's prototypal inheritance model. First, a stream developer ...
当label对应的导入作业状态为CANCELLED时,该label可以再次被使用。 column_separator 用于指定导入文件中的列分隔符,默认为\t。如果是不可见字符,则需要加\x作为前缀,使用十六进制来表示分隔符。 如hive文件的分隔符\x01,需要指定为-H "column_separator:\x01"。 可以使用多个字符的组合作为列分隔符。 line_...