涂布平板法(spread plate method) 答案: 在培养平板表面均匀涂布经过稀释的微生物悬液后,保温培养,在固体培养基表面得到生长分离的微生物菌落。 手机看题 名词解释 稀释倒平板法(pour plate method) 答案:将待分离的材料稀释后与已熔化并冷却至50℃左右的琼脂培养基混合,摇匀后制成可能含菌的培养平板,保温培养后分...
2. The differences between pour and spread plate. What is the goal of a successful Streak Plate procedure? How does this help us when we look at Koch's Postulates? Why are colonies that develop on a heavily seeded plate smaller than the same kind on a sparsely seeded plate? Explai...