Stray Souls Sign In to Rate Global player ratings 2.52Average rating 2.52 stars out of 5 stars from 445 ratings 445 ratings 20% 9% 14% 15% 42% Game and Legal Info Unlock the secrets hidden within the haunted town of Aspen Falls, featuring gruesome enemy encounters, epic bosses, cun...
补充完善游戏资料 类型: 游戏/益智/射击/冒险 平台: PC/PS4/Xbox One/PS5/XSX 别名: 迷途灵魂 / 迷失之魂 预计上市时间: 2023-10-26 发行日期: 2023-10-26 豆瓣评分 5.6 12人评价 5星 0.0% 4星 25.0% 3星 8.3% 2星 16.7% 1星 50.0%
Latest on Stray Souls 4 Stray Souls Developer Shuts Down, Cites Poor Reception And Cyberbullying Poor reception of Stray Souls lead to poor sales. 0 Stray Souls - Official Announce Trailer Enter a world of nightmares in Stray Souls, a third person, action-horror game, inspired by the ...
Aside fromStray,Tunicmight be the best game of 2022 to feature an animal protagonist. The game starts with an unnamed, humanoid fox waking up stranded on a beach — and it's up to you to figure out what to do from there. Gameplay is a perfect mash-up of old-schoolZeldaandDark Souls...
An action-adventure builder game set in a unique fantasy world. Rebuild your civilization and the ecosystem while maintaining a balance between the two. Find out more Phasmophobia | Kinetic Games The hugely popular online co-op, psychological horr...
Huntersouls ahahah so hyprocrasy!!! Isn´t all the game the same ? Play with one person shoot everthing, no puzzles just pure reflext and lucky, buy gin with kills same over over again .. you keep trying even you die and die 6 ...
Sonyis currently offering a weeklongPS Plustrial for the Premium and Extra tiers of its revamped subscription service that rolled out last month. If you're acat who's been mesmerized by the game, this is the news you've been waiting for. Just make sure your humans know about it. ...
Stray Souls, the nightmarish psychological thriller from Versus Evil (@vs_evil) and Jukai Studio (@JukaiStudio), is now available for Xbox One, Xbox X|S, PlayStation 5
Huntersouls ahahah so hyprocrasy!!! Isn´t all the game the same ? Play with one person shoot everthing, no puzzles just pure reflext and lucky, buy gin with kills same over over again .. you keep trying even you die and die 6 ...
While the announcement of the release window for Stray Souls focused on its release on Xbox consoles, the game will be released on more than just a single platform. Stray Souls will be available onXbox Series X|S, PS4, PS5, and PC. ...