Bang Chan:And another thing to add onto what Felix said. Of course, we have our fans, our lovely Stay who are right there with us. Not only that, but what’s most important for Stray Kids is Stray Kids itself. Every member relies on each other, every member really helps ...
and quickly earned a reputation for being rambunctious, self-produced and unafraid to hype themselves. Within five years, Stray Kids became one of the biggest acts in the game, selling out stadiums regularly. As the finale closers at KCON 2023, they revisited their roots, most ...
Oh, and I plan on having three more kids once I finish adult outfits, but then I am done. So look forward to that I still have a bunch of drawings and such I need to catch up with, too, I am aware. Sorry about the hold up, it seems like I really have to be in the mood ...
As hoped, half a gallon of water and a hard nap made the world much better. The kids chattered about the Harrison family’s treehouse and play fort. Nate Harrison built houses, and tree houses, for a living, so he’d used left overs from other projects to construct the neighborhood’s ...
Do kittens' teeth fall out? Cats go through a similar coming-of-age ordeal as human kids. They'reborn without teeth, then they get 26 baby teeth--also called milk teeth or deciduous teeth--starting around two weeks old. By the time kittenhood ends, however, they all fall out and are ...
I see fat kids on the street all the time and I give them free radiohead t-shirts with bullseyes on them. Later when I see them wearing the t-shirts I shoot at them with bb guns while riding a very large dog and singing kicking squealing gucci little piggy over and over —Thom Yo...