Along the way, the cat befriends a small flying drone, known only as B-12. With the help of this newfound companion, the duo try to find a way out. Spoiler free introduction Curious about the world of Stray? Explore our thoughtfully curated selection of peaceful and life-affirming games ...
迷失猫咪的旅程是一款冒险解谜类游戏。猫咪在一次出门玩耍时迷路了,它需要通过各种场景的解谜,找到回家的路。这个迷失的小猫咪会遇到很多好心人,它们会给予小猫咪帮助和提示,帮助小猫咪顺利回家。但是,也会有一些捣蛋的小动物和危险的陷阱等着小猫咪,需要小猫咪小心应对。 游戏特色 精美的画面风格,场景布置细致入微,...
It is a cat game where you can control a kitty. Eat, drink, play with toys. Run from a dog, drop the vase. Do what usually cats do. Say meow. Explore the world. It is a cat adventure simulation.
CATS 0人预约 九游预约 Cats Memory Game Free 5人预约 九游预约 Memory Games free: Cute Cats 2人预约 九游预约 Stray Pigs 0人预约 九游预约 Match Cats and Dogs Free 0人预约 九游预约 Stray the Cat 0人预约 九游预约 Free Dogs and Cats Puzzles 0人预约 九游预约 Stray Bee 0人预约 九游预约 ...
free追剧 0K 查看 Stray Cats is an adventure game for all ages, from children to those who grew up with the classic 8-bit games.¡The fun never ends!Come the new feline heroes save the alleys of evil kittens, sent by Dr. Meow¡ The entire city is overrun by bad kittens !, Hel...
Start the adventures in this kitty stray cat simulator game. Select your favorite cat and explore the city. As a stray cat, you have to complete the assigned ta…
My cat has told me I must buy this game for him or be smothered in my sleep, the overlord has spoken. It does look pretty cool, I’m keen to see more and know when it’s coming out. Nevermind, the backpack is adorable. I'll add this to my wishlist. It reminds me of that on...
Stray is a third-person cat adventure game set amidst the detailed neon-lit alleys of a decaying cybercity and the murky environments of its seedy underbelly. See the world through the eyes of a stray and interact with the environment in playful ways. ...
流浪猫模拟器Stray Game Simulator Cat是一款模拟经营类型的手游,目前游戏的电脑版本已经正式上线了,欢迎玩家们下载流浪猫模拟器Stray Game Simulator Cat官方正版进行游玩。下载了官方电脑版即可在电脑上玩到流浪猫模拟器Stray Game Simulator Cat,喜欢这款游戏的玩家赶快下载来玩玩看吧! 流浪猫模拟器是一款精致有趣的动...
《驯服流浪猫 Taming a stray cat》是一款十分有趣的休闲娱乐游戏!在放学的路上偶然间看到一只可爱的小橘猫流落街头,于是你决定将它带回家悉心照顾!但是小橘猫因为来到了陌生的环境感到害怕,对于一切的食物都很抵触,你该怎么办呢?加入游戏,帮助小橘猫洗澡,喂养小橘猫,增加与小橘猫的亲密度吧!一起驯服这只可爱的...