The Strawberry is a fruit crop that grows from Strawberry Seeds after 8 days. Contents1 Stages 2 Crop Growth Calendar 3 Number of Harvests 4 Gifting 5 Bundles 6 Recipes 7 Tailoring 8 Quests 9 Trivia 10 HistoryStagesWhen harvested, each Strawberry plant gives 1 Strawberry every 4 days, with ...
The Strawberry Decal is a decorative piece of furniture that hangs on a wall. It is obtained either by finishing Penny's 14-Heart event (and choosing the Strawberry Home option) or buying it from her during the Desert Festival for data-sort-value="100"&g
The Strawberry Double Bed is a piece of furniture obtained from completing Penny's 14-Heart event (and choosing the Strawberry Home option). If the original is lost, a replacement can be purchased at the Lost Items Shop in the Secret Woods for 10,000g. History 1.5: Introduced. 1.6: ...