Check out these other garden project ideas! DIY Wooden Tomato Cage for Pots DIY Planter Box with Trellis DIY Tall Outdoor Plant Stand for Hanging Plants Cheap and Easy DIY Raised Garden Beds 4665 shares 4417 248 Post navigation How to Use a Hole Saw Correctly 5 Mother's Day Garden Gifts...
I simply can’t wait for all the berries to turn red to share this with you – an easy DIY strawberry tower with a built-in reservoir! Bonus: everyone can make this strawberry planter with recycled materials and grow strawberries in small spaces like a patio or balcony! A strawberry tower...
More Creative Garden Ideas No Tools Required DIY Pallet Cucumber Trellis Make this DIY Pallet Potting Bench Create a DIY Garden Obelisk for climbing plants Build a Simple Pallet Planter Pin461K Share 461K SharesTanya Anderson Tanya Anderson of Lovely Greens is an organic gardener, soapmaker, aut...