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Strawberry Fields Forever-John Lennon 84th Birthday At Strawberry Fields NYC 135 -- 4:45 App 黑胶唱片:The Beatles《While My Guitar Gently Weeps》 108 -- 3:24 App 黑胶唱片:The Beatles《Hello,Goodbye》 356 1 7:41 App 黑胶唱片:The Beatles《I Want You》 90 -- 2:43 App 黑胶唱片:Th...
歌曲名《Strawberry Fields Forever》,由 The Beatles Acoustic Trio 演唱,收录于《Come Together》专辑中,《Strawberry Fields Forever》下载,《Strawberry Fields Forever》在线试听,更多Strawberry Fields Forever相关歌曲推荐,尽在网易云音乐
Strawberry Fields Forever 4 Mellotron 弦乐(String) Strawberry Fields Forever 4 Voix 爵士电吉他(GUITAR JAZZ) Strawberry Fields Forever 4 Gtr 1 爵士电吉他(GUITAR JAZZ) Strawberry Fields Forever 4 Gtr 2 / swomanderl 弦乐(String) Strawberry Fields Forever 4 Ensemble de cellos 合成器(SYN...
Strawberry Fields Forever Guitar 1taritar 清音电吉他(GUITAR CLEAN) Strawberry Fields Forever Guitar 2lodyuitar 合成器(SYNTHESIZER) Strawberry Fields Forever Sitar Melody 钢弦吉他(GUITAR STEEL) Strawberry Fields Forever Piano/Organ75 钢弦吉他(GUITAR STEEL) Strawberry Fields Forever Brass/Backw...
歌曲名《Strawberry Fields Forever (Stereo Mix 2015)》,由 The Beatles 演唱,收录于《Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Super Deluxe Edition)》专辑中,《Strawberry Fields Forever (Stereo Mix 2015)》下载,《Strawberry Fields Forever (Stereo Mix 2015)》
曲谱名称:The Beatles《Strawberry Fields Forever》乐队总谱GTP版【本谱需下载Guitar Pro软件才能使用】 曲谱标签:乐队 谱内音轨: Lead Vocal-合唱“啊”音 Choir Aahs Guitar-大乐队小军鼓 Concert SD Flute-长笛 Flute Fl...
He begins again, strumming the guitar and singing. Instead of opening with the chorus, the early versions of the song began with the first two verses back-to-back. This initial arrangement was also used on take one in the studio, also available on Anthology 2. This first take also has ...
The Beatles recorded take 1 of “Strawberry Fields Forever” with John on acoustic guitar and lead vocals, Paul on mellotron, and Ringo Starr on drums. Take 1 opened with a verse, starting “Living is easy with eyes closed“, instead of the chorus, which starts the released version. The ...
56:24 【披头士/Beatles】不同版本的Strawberry Fields Forever(高清MV) Rocky_Raccoon 2167 3 01:47 Strawberry Fields Forever - Take 7 - Guitar Cover 鱼皮花鼠 5283 0 22:25 给小星星重新配了和弦,小朋友应该会喜欢吧? 爵士汪汪 6649 42 07:13 Strawberry Fields Forever教程 吾并非怪蜀黍之...